world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Rick Reiley's Blog (57)

Yard Sale new Lyric

'Yard Sale'

copyright 2014 by Richard Reiley

Welcome to my yard sale

Where I'm clearing out a path

Through a life of work and…


Added by Rick Reiley on June 3, 2014 at 2:21pm — 2 Comments

'The King' copyright 2013 by Richard Reiley

'The King'

copyright 2013 by Richard Reiley

The King was in his counting house

Waltzing with his money

Sad but determined to get more

He didn't know the answer

To the question in his head but

What else were those dancing lessons for?

The Queen was with her chambermaids

Who were tending…


Added by Rick Reiley on November 18, 2013 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

Rick's new paragraph of words

This may become a song. Or just a lone verse. 

I tell you things will be okay
but I don't really know
I only talk to fill the space between
sighs and heavy silence
that fill the morning air
between the doubt and darkness
of our dreams

Added by Rick Reiley on September 17, 2013 at 10:29am — 2 Comments

New Lyric- 'Storm' copyright 2013 by Richard Reiley

Lisa- Post this on FB if you wish. Thanks!



copyright 2013 by Richard Reiley


I was cold

She was warm

Perfect timing

For a storm

Just like that- it was over

And it moved on


Storms are something

Ain't they boys

They rumble…


Added by Rick Reiley on August 4, 2013 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

New Lyric- Little Box, Big Memories

Packing and moving from my house into DJ's. Found things I hadn't thought of in a long time. For those of you who've lost someone, you know how it can be. 

'Little Box, Big…


Added by Rick Reiley on August 2, 2013 at 10:32pm — 3 Comments

Thanksgiving 2012


The onion tears mixed with the aroma of sage in mama's steamy November kitchen is a memory I'll take with me wherever I go. Grandmas, aunts, cousins, uncles crowding the house in a good way. Football games on in the living room, hunters on the patio talking guns, deer and quail in the cool, fresh air.

We often traded Thanksgiving among families. Oklahoma City one year, Cushing the next. Perry next time around. Later…


Added by Rick Reiley on November 18, 2012 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

The Senator and the Banker

'The Senator and the Banker'

copyright 2012 by Richard Reiley

The Senator asked the Banker some really tough questions

Like how are your children? How was your day?

Then the Banker walked out with the billion dollars that he stole

While every one else looked the other way

He wasn't sworn under oath to tell the truth

They didn't want to challenge his dignity

Which he earned by legally cheating…


Added by Rick Reiley on July 10, 2012 at 10:36am — 2 Comments

New Lyric- Home from the WarNew Lyric 'Home from the War'

'Home from the War'

copyright 2012 by Rick Reiley

Three months til Christmas

Then we'll see her again

If the war doesn't interfere

With her plans to fly in

But war keeps you guessing

You know what that means

Someimes it takes the wind out of

Our sweetest dreams


'Jingle Bells' takes on a whole new…


Added by Rick Reiley on June 8, 2012 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

Rick answered the wiffledust individual creativity assignment where he was given this photo, two names,  and asked to write a song. Mason smiled at Claire though there were many years between them…

Rick answered the wiffledust individual creativity assignment where he was given this photo, two names,  and asked to write a song.

Mason smiled at Claire though there were many years between them

She saw him holding violin and bow

She stood there transfixed with a child's anticapation-

That only childlike innocence can…


Added by Rick Reiley on May 4, 2012 at 1:08pm — 1 Comment

New Lyric- 'Brand New New Year's NIght' (Suffocate Me with Your Love) copyright 2011 by Richard Reiley

'This Brand New New Year's Night'

(Suffocate Me with Your Love)

copyright 2011 by Richard Reiley

Suffocate me with your love baby

Let's forget the selfish things

Your last year's guy was no gentleman

My girl no saintly queen

Let's get lost in the wilderness

Of this champagne hotel bed

Close the blinds and lose our minds

And live it up instead

Make me gasp…


Added by Rick Reiley on December 31, 2011 at 10:32am — 1 Comment

I'll Have Another Drink (new lyric)

'I'll Have Another Drink'

copyright 2011 by Richard (Rick) Reiley



Added by Rick Reiley on May 14, 2011 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

My Mama's Eyes- Lyric for Mother's Day

'My Mama's Eyes'

copyright 2011 by Rick Reiley 



Added by Rick Reiley on May 6, 2011 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Days Work/Changing Times- New Lyric

'Days Work/Changing Times'


copyright 2011 by Rick Reiley

He went to the police station

With his momma's severed head in a bag

Asked them to…


Added by Rick Reiley on February 5, 2011 at 10:00am — No Comments

Granny in the Snow

'Granny in the Snow'

copyright 2011 by Rick Reiley


Granny looked funny

Layin' there in the snow

I don't think she ended up

Where she really wanted to go

When she stepped down the stairs…


Added by Rick Reiley on February 2, 2011 at 8:28pm — No Comments

Granny in the Snow

'Granny in the Snow'

copyright 2011 by Rick Reiley


Granny looked funny

Layin' there in the snow

I don't think she ended up

Where she really wanted to go

When she stepped down the stairs

To feed the kitty cats

She tripped over my snowman

And fell on her face-


I was laughin' so hard

I couldn't stop

Watchin' granny roll around

With the snowman on top

The cats got scared

And jumped into… Continue

Added by Rick Reiley on February 2, 2011 at 8:23pm — No Comments

The Pointless Debaters Ball- New silly lyirc

'The Pointless Debaters Ball'

copyright 2011 by Rick Reiley


Is the right more right than the left sometimes?

Or is the left more wrong than the right?

What color should you…


Added by Rick Reiley on January 20, 2011 at 11:53am — 1 Comment

New Lyric- Be A Light That Shines- Good advice that I can't follow......

'Be A Light That Shines'

copyright 2010 by Rick Reiley




When you're faced…


Added by Rick Reiley on January 18, 2011 at 4:34pm — 1 Comment

My Old Dog

'My Old Dog'

I said good bye to an old friend last week. My dog Allie. A mutt with a crippled foot, sort of a long haired dachshund but not quite. She found me in downtown Cushing nearly 11 years ago and I took her home with me. She added much to my life that I have yet to fully fathom.

One week after taking her home I had a heart attack and in the ensuing weeks and months while Karen was working herself to death to nurse me back to health and keep the house and business afloat, this… Continue

Added by Rick Reiley on January 17, 2011 at 7:29pm — 5 Comments

Holdin' On to Grandma's Hand

While I have this sad country twang mood going on I might as well throw this out there.




'Holdin' Grandma's Hand'



Added by Rick Reiley on December 30, 2010 at 4:32pm — 1 Comment

When Will the Rain Come?

News this morning is that 19 counties in this state have been declared disaster areas by the governor due to high winds and severe drought.......brings back visions of Dust Bowl.....



'When Will the Rain…


Added by Rick Reiley on December 30, 2010 at 10:01am — 1 Comment

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