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Sherry Somach's Blog (18)

Lyrics of my new song What to Say

What to Say

What to say

Words held at bay

How can I fully express

The things that are causing distress

Of earthquakes and hurricanes, nonstop rain

Wondering if we’ll ever be sane

Or are we in for just more pain?

What to say

Words held at bay

Images mangled, held back in fear

Wondering what is keeping me here

With needless wars and political oppression

Knowing we are headed towards…


Added by Sherry Somach on September 23, 2011 at 11:00pm — 5 Comments

You're IN Love

This is the one I want to enter for contest


You’re in Love

Words and Music Sherry Somach

Well, hello

Been such a long time

How are you?

Who’s your friend?

Pretty and special, I’m sure

Is she someone new?

Old memories

Heart skips a beat

Hope starts to rise….

‘Till I look into your eyes


You’re in love, I know

When you look at her, you glow

I’m in pain, can’t you see?

Cause that’s…


Added by Sherry Somach on March 9, 2011 at 4:46pm — No Comments

Lyrics for Mad Gypsy Woman

I just entered this for contest. Wrote it a few weeks ago.



Mad Gypsy Woman

1) You stole my heart

And ran off like a petty thief

You tossed it carelessly

Like it was a piece of tainted beef

2) You burned my eyes

When you stared into them with desire

Still I can see your swarthy face

Through the images of searing fire


If I could find you I would wrap my arms around you

Then choke you half to death…


Added by Sherry Somach on March 1, 2011 at 11:22am — No Comments

Lyrics to Waiting for Spring

This is a catchy littly ditty that one of my online singer/songwriters put to music. I Uploaded the music.


Here are lyrics


Waiting for Spring

1) I

I am

I am waiting

I am waiting for the beauty of Spring

2) I

I am

I am listening

I am listening for the robins to sing


Wanna shed my coat

Wanna walk in the dark

Wanna hear the sounds of the ice cream man

Wanna thaw my heart

Wanna see…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 24, 2011 at 8:22pm — No Comments

Coffee with Qadaffi

Coffee with Qadaffi

(M elodramatic and world weary )

My life is so boring; there is nothing left undone

Everything is la de da and just so damn hum drum

Though I’ve been to gay Paree and seen the wonders of the world

Sometimes I want to take off on the run….or get a gun


Because my life is stinkin’

I have done some thinkin’

Gonna hop an airplane; here’s what I’m gonna do:

(This part, time to swing it!)

1) I’ll…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 24, 2011 at 11:03am — 1 Comment



Brownies éclairs chocolate ice-cream

Massage facial steam room mist

Brazil Samba Salsa Tango

Lobster pot wine kiss

Meringue Marengo Marimba martini

Ocean waves bikini sun

Snap jazz blues Bossa Nova

Rainbows blue sky fun





Passion Fruit incense fragrance

Sandals scandals bandits books

Eyes smile arms embrace

Mountains nature antique nooks…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 9, 2011 at 10:06pm — 2 Comments

Song; Don't Let It Snow Blues

Don't Let It Snow Blues

1) Punxatawny Phil didn’t see his shadow

So he predicted an early spring

Been freezing and snowing since last December

That groundhog doesn’t know a thing


I shovel on Sunday, but more falls on Monday

When will this misery end?

We get a break for a day or two

Then the snow starts falling again

2) The Farmer’s Almanac used to be on target

And I believed what I…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 4, 2011 at 2:15pm — 1 Comment

A har har heart attack......Ya gotta have heart!

Added by Sherry Somach on September 23, 2010 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

Sometimes you CAN go home again..story of my magical high school reunion.

I wrote this as a memory of my reunion. It is fairly long.

Lisa suggested I blog it, so here goes!

You Can Go Home Again…


Added by Sherry Somach on May 25, 2010 at 4:07pm — 5 Comments

Song I wrote for Dan Kleiman

Those of you in Philly probably knew or heard of Dan Kleiman. He was an amazing keyboardist, composer, and arranger. He was in a group called Siora, with Phyllis Chapell as the vocalist.

He had recently been given a commission to compose a choral piece to be performed at the Vatican. Many commissions were coming to him.

He also played on and arranged my CD and the Christmas song I had posted here.

I could go on and on....but Dan passed away on Feb day before…


Added by Sherry Somach on March 11, 2010 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

The Mad Hater's Tea Party

This started as gibberish just for fun. Turned out to be satirical.

Enjoy...I hope

The Mad Hater's Tea Party

Would you like to come to my tea party?

I’m serving folderol and mashed malarkey

Heaps of frippery and frothy flummery

Do you think that this is dumb of me?

There’ll be lots of frivolity at my tea party

Sliced and diced on beds of triviality

Petty petit fours and arguing S’mores

And nobody doesn’t like Sarah Lee…oops, I…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 21, 2010 at 11:40pm — 12 Comments

Let Sleeping Icons Lie

I posted this as a poem and submitted it here on Wiffledust. I then decided to turn it into a song. It is not a finished product by a long shot, but I am doing this here as part of sharing my process.

Here are revised lyrics for the song. The song is on my page

Let Sleeping Icons Lie

1) Let sleeping Icons lie.…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 15, 2010 at 10:34pm — 4 Comments

21 Century Sane

I do find myself loving technology, but savoring old fashioned pleasures like real face time with friends, hand written letters, and the like.

Sometime I feel like we ( I will speak for myself) have just accepted the madness of these times as normal. I decided it is the new 21st Century sane.

Up for collaboration if someone comes up with music


The New 21st Century Sane

I’m a canary and I like to tweet

But I shy away from twittering

I’ll throw…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 12, 2010 at 12:45pm — 2 Comments

Blowing and Drifting

Yesterday I watched Weatherman Jim Kosek in Baltimore:

Here was his rant:

Oh boy…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 10, 2010 at 11:58am — 3 Comments

Song assignment to write from perspective of inanimate object

Let me know if you figure it out.

Don't have a clue about music for it. Maybe spoken word funk....hmmmmm, I'm thinking Stephen :-)

That being said, here it is

Excuse any sexist implication. This was done in fun!

Being Number 2

Ouch! Quit pushing. Do you think that I’ll work faster?

Hey! Lighten up. Can’t you just go with the flow?

Bungle! I’ll clean it. Don’t mind helping you communicate

Sometimes I think that you don’t know which way…


Added by Sherry Somach on February 9, 2010 at 11:52am — 3 Comments

2009 12 Days of Christmas

Every year since 1985 I have been writig a parody of 12 Day of Christmas based on current events of the year.

In recent years I add a spoken part which everyone seems to repeat. The are in parentheses(....)

Here is 2009 12 Days of Christmas. Enjoy'Merry, Happy


2009 12 days Sherry Somach 2009

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…..

1 A health care controversy

2 more years of Oprah

3 auto bailouts

4 Woodstock… Continue

Added by Sherry Somach on December 26, 2009 at 3:14pm — 3 Comments

Just added my Christmas song I recently recorded here.

And here are the lyrics. Enjoy!

Santa Claus is Staying at Home Music and Lyrics Sherry Somach c 2009

1. This year we just might get

Our Christmas of white

Santa wears the same old suit

But it’s getting mighty tight

We’ll buy a tree like years of old

And string up all the lights

But this year there’ll be something new

To make this season bright



Santa Claus is staying at home

He’ll watch T.V. and… Continue

Added by Sherry Somach on December 3, 2009 at 7:07pm — 2 Comments

Writing class project

Last night I went to my first creative writing class. In our first exercise everyone came up with a word they liked or didn't like. Then we had to create a story with them. It was a lot of fun, and a great way to jump start creative juices.

For homework we had to tell our life story using short 1-3 word phrases, separating each thought or event with a comma.

The idea so intrigued me that I came home and did the exercise. I thought I would share it here so the members can know a lot… Continue

Added by Sherry Somach on November 10, 2009 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

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