world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

This is a catchy littly ditty that one of my online singer/songwriters put to music. I Uploaded the music.


Here are lyrics


Waiting for Spring
1) I
I am
I am waiting
I am waiting for the beauty of Spring

2) I
I am
I am listening
I am listening for the robins to sing

Wanna shed my coat
Wanna walk in the dark
Wanna hear the sounds of the ice cream man
Wanna thaw my heart
Wanna see daffodils
Wanna catch some sun and work on my tan

3) .I
I am
I am tired
I am tired of being so cold

4). I
I am
I am feeling
I am feeling so lonely on hold

Wanna shed my coat
Wanna walk in the dark
Wanna hear the song of the ice cream man
Wanna thaw my heart
Wanna see daffodils
Wanna catch some sun and work on my tan

Waiting for Spring
Waiting for Spring
Waiting for Spring
Waiting for Spring

©Sherry Somach Feb 2011

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