world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

This started as gibberish just for fun. Turned out to be satirical.

Enjoy...I hope

The Mad Hater's Tea Party

Would you like to come to my tea party?
I’m serving folderol and mashed malarkey
Heaps of frippery and frothy flummery
Do you think that this is dumb of me?

There’ll be lots of frivolity at my tea party
Sliced and diced on beds of triviality
Petty petit fours and arguing S’mores
And nobody doesn’t like Sarah Lee…oops, I mean SP
The King of Gold is mad as a hatter
As he blithers and he blathers
There will gibbering and jabbering
With a side of back stabbering
Then I’ll add a dash of incoherent babbling

Though this party’s gonna cost a lot of loot
You’ll get a Rush with some tasty eye of Newt
Lots of sautéed blame, enough for one and all
Have a plate of trifle, and pile on lots of gall

Would you like to come to my tea party?
I’m serving folderol and mashed malarkey
Heaps of frippery and frothy flummery
Do you think that this is dumb of me?

Well, beeble babble booble, and strike up the band
I don’t read tea leaves; I just read my hand

Sherry Somach c 2009

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Comment by Jodie Ann Christiansen on February 25, 2010 at 8:57am all need to re-read Mad HATER's tea fun and on spot..........relate this to Lady GaGa, Sherry, and she will pop it ???after you get copyright, that is.....truely, a fun, smart way to make statement.....I love are indeed gifted.
Comment by Sherry Somach on February 22, 2010 at 10:29pm
Jodie Ann..yes, you got it right. King of Gold is also Glenn Beck( he is heavy into selling gold coins....yeah, pump up the price of gold!!). The hand reading was Sarah Palin reading crib notes written on her hand :-)
Glad you liked it. Noe have to do the music!
Comment by Jodie Ann Christiansen on February 22, 2010 at 6:35pm
hey is so neat that we all have different "takes " on your creative writings and I think I am reading about a political fund-raiser dinner at like 1000 dollars a plate.....Newt and Rush and lots of gall and cost alot of loot......tell me had politicians on your mind?? AND then to end it with "I just read my hand" so perfect!! and comical,too!! as we indeed listen to all their frippery,flummery ,which all means /ends in nothing being accomplished, so one may as well read their hand instead !!!! I love your style and word coining!
Comment by Sherry Somach on February 22, 2010 at 10:45am
Stephen, I think you would have gagged on the menu :-))
Comment by Diane Brown on February 22, 2010 at 10:11am
How delightful! Sort of an adult Dr. Suess.
Comment by stephen dijoseph on February 22, 2010 at 9:51am
circus-y indeed at your tea party fair...
why the hell was I not there?

wonerful wonerful wonerful!
Comment by Dorraine Darden on February 22, 2010 at 8:39am
Delightful, Sherry. I think I've had mashed malarkey !
Comment by wiffledust on February 22, 2010 at 12:45am
yep the stuff of the circus!
Comment by Sherry Somach on February 21, 2010 at 11:50pm
Donna...hopefully melody soon. Right now I am just trying to write my 14 songs in the month of Feb. This makes #11.
Carnival music? Whaddya think?
Comment by Sherry Somach on February 21, 2010 at 11:46pm
She might use it as publicity :-))

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