where creative minds can interact
Genterion in the year 2045
Character: Alice II and I
Note: My character will be based on the pseudo-historical figure of Alice of Hedleyshire. She is part of my history of the fictional country of Genterion, stretching from the years 1530 to 2045, a 515 year period. The federal kingdom of Genterion is divided into four states, each governed by a monarch.…
ContinueAdded by Jameson Colbert on April 10, 2012 at 9:52pm — No Comments
"The Assassination of an Eagle"
Photo credit goes Maryrose Orlans
The vibrantly colored, neon messenger bird flew quickly through the forest, with a incredible message. He flew over the lush green trees and growth, with the afternoon sun blaring in his red eyes. It was the middle of summer, in July, and all the birds in the country were hot and restless, so think of this bird: Flapping his wings…
ContinueAdded by Jameson Colbert on November 4, 2011 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments
Alice ran as fast as she could towards the town, and towards the rising sunlight, on November 1st. She screamed, not knowing what was behind her, or around her. Alice's gothic, vampire dress from her Halloween party was ripped and stained, and her blonde hair was desheveled and dirty, as the rest of her. Again she screamed, and she tripped on her way sailing down towards the town. With a loud yell, she forced herself to her feet and resumed her seemingly futile flee to Carlaville. She…
ContinueAdded by Jameson Colbert on November 1, 2011 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments
August 15 "Quickie" Writing challenge:
I really like gemstones. Like most people do, because they are shiny and come in many, many different varieties. If I were to get a gemstone, I couldn't care less if it was plastic or rock, as what really interests me is its beauty and color. I remember in seventh grade, the unit we did on gemstones, about luster, streak, weight, and everything else. My favorite gemstone would probably be either Lapis Lazulli or Amethyst. Lapis…
ContinueAdded by Jameson Colbert on August 20, 2011 at 7:12pm — 1 Comment
Since this is my first writing on this site, I've decided to accept the 'Sleep Is...' challenge in August 2010.
Sleep is sleep. It is where most animals and people find solace from the busy world around them. Animals hunt for hours on end to feed themselves and their young. Not only do they have to worry about food, but about shelter and safety. A lioness's primary job is to protect her cubs from the harsh environment of the savannah. Such details of the harshness…
ContinueAdded by Jameson Colbert on July 5, 2011 at 5:31pm — 6 Comments
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