world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Since this is my first writing on this site, I've decided to accept the 'Sleep Is...' challenge in August 2010.


      Sleep is sleep. It is where most animals and people find solace from the busy world around them. Animals hunt for hours on end to feed themselves and their young. Not only do they have to worry about food, but about shelter and safety. A lioness's primary job is to protect her cubs from the harsh environment of the savannah. Such details of the harshness include snakes, birds, hunters, and even other lions. The world around the lioness and her family is dangerous and takes a lot of cojones to survive.

       But not all is hectic and chaotic for this family. The night time brings peaceful surroundings, with most animals retreated into their homes, which is a perfect setting for a nice slumber. When the lion family rests, they don't worry or fear their world. Sometimes the lions will fall into their own subconcious, dreaming. The dreams can include anything from eating a good bounty of carcass, or a nightmare. The horrid dream could include the lions dying, or drowning in water. In some dreams, sleep could lead to death.

        Although nightmares can happen, most of the time peaceful, happy dreams are common. In all creatures

who live in a wild and dangerous world will find that the occasional rest is one of the most relaxing, chilled-out period of the day, or night. Sleep will take two paths: Nightmare, and Dream. Dreams are happy and give sleep a good ending, while nightmares put a scary twist to what was meant to be a nice rest.

      Whether nightmare or dream, sleep is the way most people and animals escape from their lives, and their worlds.


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Comment by Jameson Colbert on August 20, 2011 at 7:01pm

Thanks, Jodie. I'm glad this piece had an impact on your views of sleep.


@Wiffledust I am working on a new sci-fi story that is a remake of something I did as a school writing assignment.

Comment by Jodie Ann Christiansen on August 20, 2011 at 6:41pm

Jameson,  had to re-read  this a few times.....sleep indeed  can be our escape,if only temporarily.....thanks  for  sharing this concept   and  I will  think of sleep   as  more than just  restorative.


Comment by Carissa Galow on July 10, 2011 at 4:15pm
Thanks for sharing!
Comment by wiffledust on July 6, 2011 at 8:58pm
great! next up, some fiction?
Comment by Jameson Colbert on July 5, 2011 at 8:40pm

My friends and family say I'm good at writing anything. But I tend to stick towards fictional shorts, like 20 or more pages. I'm into science fiction, horror, and war, but a lot of times it depends on what I'm interested in, so maybe one day I'll write a short story of a fifteenth century city. I haven't really explored poetry, and I'm not that interested in it.

Comment by wiffledust on July 5, 2011 at 6:10pm
great job! i'm so glad you joined the group and have begun writing!!! now you've made me want some sleep and happy dreams! do you prefer to write straight essays or poetic things or what is your interest in writing? tell me more!

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