world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once she grows up."_Pablo Picasso

I've heard once too many times, stories of how people have had
their creativity squelched, or they don't for whatever reason believe
they are creative. Well, I'm here to tell you, we are all creative. I never felt non-creative. However, I have made the mistake of putting my own creative juices on hold due to what others may say about my creativity. I don't care anymore! I now do what I love, what feeds my energy. I'm passionate about creating. I overcame those negative statements by replacing them with positive statements. Whenever, my own internal critic tries to rule my domain... I simply tell her, "shut up, I'm going to do it anyway." I've nixed my own ideas too many times due to fear dominated thoughts and emotions. Today, I welcome ideas that are out of the box and I let go of the outcome as I execute them. I choose to live from the place of love and acceptance.

"Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious,
and self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must
do things." _Ray Bradbury

When I moved to South Carolina six years ago,I left everything behind that was of value to me to create a new beginning. I
left my friends, family, and community. I never anticipated that the
transition would be as challenging as it was at the time. I felt a sense
of loss. One of the ways that I dealt with that loss was to replace it
with my creative powers. I have always had a need to create. I must
create! For me creativity is my passion and purpose. When I am creating I
feel alive.

According to Wikipedia, creativity is the ability to generate innovative
ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves
original thinking and then producing.

Treasured Hat Box
I have a hat box filled with meaningful cards that people have sent me, or gave to me. I decided to
make use of them by making a collage in my bathroom, in my bedroom.
Since, I was the only one to use this room I was making it for me. I
would be reminded of just how much everyone meant to me. I wasn't going
back home. So, this was my way of bringing them into my space where I
would see a piece of each and everyone of them daily. I love that
bathroom! I initialed each card in the corner with the initials of the
person that gave me the card , pasted the backs with glue, and then
painted polyurethane over the walls to seal them.
Creative Bathroom
Creativity: Healing

I didn't lose my family, my friends, nor my community. I can revisit them whenever I want. I only need step into this room and feel their spirit surround me. With loss, their is gain. Being creative feeds the soul and heals the hole.

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