world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Celebration! by Lillian Gaffney

Yesterday, I tried to submit my story on the Tony Robbin's
Breakthrough page. For whatever reason's, I lost the ability to get on.
However, I haven't lost my ability to be creative. So, I thought I would
take my story and write it here based on Robbin's five questions. In
writing your own story, you may trigger what strengths you have gained
as a result of your crisis or challenge.

1.What was your life like right before the challenge or crisis hit?

2.What was the crisis you face? What happened and when it did, what did you feel and experience?

3. What pulled you through this difficult, unjust or impossible time?
What was the trigger or catalyst for change? What is a belief, a
strategy, a faith, a person, a tool? What made the change possible?

4. Once you turned the corner mentally or emotionally, what did you do to turn your life around?

5. How is your life better today because you lived through the crisis?
How have you transformed? How are you stronger emotionally, physically,
spiritually? What gifts do you have to give because of this?

Here's my breakthrough story:


My life before the breakthrough was a complete shambles filled with
pain and suffering. The crisis I faced was the destruction of my life
and the affect it was having on my family. In November of 1989, I was
hospitalized with a third bout of spinal meningitis. In April of 1990, I
had brain surgery in hopes of rectifying the problem that was causing
the disease. I was living a very self-destructive life through
addiction. I quit everything on August 26, 1990, including letting go of
a 20 year abusive marriage. I began my recovery journey that spanned
throughout years of hard work. The whole experience was excruciating and
What pulled me through was my own willingness to live and the
desire for change. The trigger was pain and the catalyst was love. The
change became possible through consistency, commitment, focus, support,
determination and a lot of journal writing. Once I turned the corner, I
worked diligently to move forward to reinvent myself and my life. I read
an extensive array of books, listened to tapes, watched video's all in
the genre of wellness. I attended various self-help groups, lectures,
therapy, and actively participated in positions of leadership. I
formally educated myself by getting a GED & on to a four year
college. I worked odd jobs to supplement income whilst expanding my life
skills and talents. I let go of a 20 year career and created a new one.
I joined multiple business organizations enhancing my growth. I moved
several times with the intention of improving my lifestyle. I learned to
let go of toxic relationships and create healthy boundaries. I learned
to give to worthy causes and to people that are serious about living and
loving. I prayed and attended various churches to discover my own
spiritual beliefs. I studied nutrition, changed my eating habits and
vitamin regime numerous times to find what works for me. Exercise
remained a staple throughout the process, yoga, swimming, walking, and
biking I found worked best for my body. I fell head over heels for the
expressive arts, particularly writing and drawing which to me have
become my safest forms of expression. I am certified in several holistic
modalities of healing work. I spent six years in intensive workshops to
heal and grow. I learned to practice meditation and positive inner
dialogue. And of course, through out the entire journey I journaled. I
have written 50 journals which has been my saving grace.
My life is better today because I know I am a better person, I am
lovable, I am responsible, and capable. My life is better in so many
ways. I have internal peace most of the time and I know what to do when I
don't. I'm married to a wonderful husband and I love my family deeply. I
am a strong, vibrant, independent, creative, healthy woman. Today, I
surround myself with like-minded people. I value my time, energy, and
solitude. I believe all things are possible with love and willingness. I
am stronger as a result of facing my pain and fears, by working through
it, and having the ability to create a new story.The gifts I have to
give others are endless. I think the biggest gift I have is experience,
along with hope, love, faith, inspiration, wisdom, and creativity. I
feel like life is one big continual that we can keep on rising to new
levels making more breakthroughs and meeting more challenges.

It has taken me years to internalize the transition that I have
made. There have been times, that I have doubted my own growth,
abilities, and wellness. I am grateful that I did Tony Robbins
Breakthrough for it solidifies what I know to be true and yet, at times
have doubted. Last year at this time, I claimed my growth in a public
presentation and someone commented that if we have all that shouldn't we
be humble about it. For me, it took a lot of humbling on my part to own
what I did do, to proclaim it, to own it. It is my intention to share
my story in the hopes of inspiring others to tell their stories and own
their truth. That crisis changed my life and made me grow in ways I
never dreamt possible. I'm celebrating...Lillian!

Journal to Change Your Life

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Comment by Lillian Gaffney on July 30, 2010 at 10:32am
thanks, Lisa... it was A LOT of hard work in a 20year time frame. I am ready for ease. We all have that ability within us, if we want it bad enough and are willing to go to any lengths to obtain it... that's what dreams are built upon.
Comment by wiffledust on July 30, 2010 at 10:24am
very inspirational story, lillian! that's ALOT of change for one lifetime. but what a great tribute to what the human spirit can accomplish!!! i saw the tony robbins show. it was a refreshing change from junk tv.

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