world of wiffledust

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Optimistc vs Pessimistic

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist see the opportunity in every difficulty."

_Winston Churchill
No one is without difficulties. In life at some point and time, we all experience something difficult. It is how we
choose to go about dealing with them that makes the difference. Putting
our focus intentionally on what we can do can turn situations around.
Telling ourselves positive statements will reinforce what you do know.
When you are experiencing a challenge or difficult situation tell
yourself that something positive is going to come out of all of this. I
have seen numerous people in life rise to the occasion in difficult
times, including myself. I'm sure that you have, too. If you can't think
of one, or you don't have any...start with a positive role model. Look
at someone, anyone that you find to be an inspiration and watch them.
Allow them to inspire and motivate you. Learn all you can from them. If
you don't have someone like that in your life, seek one out. With the
technology today, we have access to all kind of resources.
No one can afford to be a pessimist. It is simply... too, costly. It will
deplete your energy. Lower your self-esteem and cause you to feel
depressed. These are choices that we make...choose to be optimistic. Own
your power! Had a failure recently in your life? At the expense of
sounding what! Don't let that stop you, get up. In case, you
didn't hear me, I said, GET UP! When we fail, we simply

get back up, again. Try...try...try, again! You can do it. You mustn't
let anything overcome you from meeting your challenges in life. Focus on
the positives...overcome the obstacles. Focus on your strengths,
believe in yourself, keep going, and don't give up. Rise with joy to
meet every new opportunity. I've been sharing the power of positive
attitudes for you to look at, to bring to your awareness so you can be
powerful. Reading about this helps us awaken to a degree. However, it is
in the action that makes the difference. When we write out our
attitudes, our challenges or difficulties things become so much more
clearer. We can put things in perspective.
Journal today about your pessimist vs your optimist(we all have one) and see what comes up for you. And then choose to be an optimist. Life is good and all is well. Commends welcome, or call with questions.

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