world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

When watching a movie I have seen so many times

I still cry when it gets to the emotional scenes

It was only a harmless joke, so my friend did say

Yet it still got to me in such a profound way


I often hear phrases like, “Why does that bother you so much?”

And another common one is, “Don’t take things so seriously.”

Berated for wearing my heart on my sleeve is a common occurrence

It’d be nice if now & then people instead offered respect & reassurance


I’m not necessarily asking you to walk on eggshells around me

My skin isn’t that unbelievably thin, I am not as fragile as I seem

So don’t hold the truth from me because you think it’s more than I can take

Highly sensitive I might be, but know this tender heart of mine won’t break


I just ask that if I take something more to heart than you might

To not put me down, to not sit there & call me weak

My sensitive nature isn’t really a bad thing after all

It helps me help others, once they're ready to break down their wall


My compassionate nature & sensitivity go hand in hand

I am not ashamed of that, nor of who I am

We’re all made the way we were meant to be

So please stop trying to toughen my skin, stop trying to change me

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