world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

From the very beginning, something changes within

Feelings & emotions new & difficult to understand begin

As a tiny life begins to grow within, you begin to see

It’s not just about you anymore, it’s now mainly about that little baby

As your body changes & your hormones rage out of control

You still know that this life inside you is now a part of your soul

Rough nights, so little sleep, cravings, and wait that’s just the beginning

As the end draws near, your head is just spinning

The awaited day inches ever closer & then it finally arrives

As the pain takes over, you begin to wonder how you’ll survive

For some it’s just a few hours & for some, labor goes on for days

And then comes that moment that completely takes your breath away

After the doctor has done a quick look over & cleaned up your little one

Your baby is placed into your arms & now you see who has your heart won

Looking upon an angel’s face, touching their tiny hands & ever so little feet

Vowing from that moment on that you’ll protect them from all dangers they will meet

As they grow, each phase presents great challenges & wondrous blessings

There are moments when you want to scream, but moments too that make you sing

From the late night feedings to the terrible twos, and beyond

You also remember their first baseball game & helping them get ready for prom

It doesn’t matter whether your child is two or fourty-two

You know in your heart that there’s nothing you wouldn’t do

To see your son or daughter healthy, successful, & happy

The love within that you feel for them is easy for all to see

How truly magnificent it is that someone so small can mean so much

That teaches you the meaning of unconditional love from the very first touch

And while it’s never really easy to one day let them make their own fresh start

You know that no matter the distance, they’ll always know they’re in their mother’s heart

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