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Karrie Chambless's Blog (16)

The Tao on Poetry



Anything is subject for a poem :

A catalog of boxing equipment, a collage of other poems,

Serpentine trail of incense, raised deer fur, old shoes pointed pigeon-toed,

Glass and steel cityscape, almond eyes of a saint, weeping tiny flowers,

Sunlight on whitewashed walls, blue shadows of stooped women,

A spring mousetrap, a trickle of blood in the…

Added by Karrie Chambless on August 7, 2011 at 3:37pm — No Comments

Can I Please...?

Can I please keep my head in the sand, 

and not be informed of every injustice in every land?

It breaks my heart, it makes me cry.

I feel hopeless to help, and think "Why even try?"


Uncountless wars, plain hating each other,

whatever happened to "Love your brother"?

And sisters, too, lest we forget.

Who the hell's gonna throw us a net?


They're taking away our human rights,

and we're all on the net, too…


Added by Karrie Chambless on April 10, 2011 at 2:57pm — 3 Comments

The Nest

Made of twigs, perched high in the sky 

atop a smoke stack, not hidden from thine eye.

The twigs they poke, let in the smoke,

it hurts and I feel blind.


Safety is fleeting in the nest,

it's positioning is quite volatile.

I'm going, you're coming, I'm coming, you're going,

yet we watch over it all the while.


I know it will not last forever,

the wind will eventually blow it down.

But not until all that we…


Added by Karrie Chambless on February 16, 2011 at 9:56pm — 6 Comments


glad the monkey's gone
my back feels much lighter and
my thoughts are my own

Added by Karrie Chambless on November 28, 2010 at 9:28am — 3 Comments

Being You

Being You

You being you and me being me,
I often wonder what it is that you see.
What is it you like?
How do I compare?
Can I ever measure up to one so fair?

You're respected, revered, multi-talented to boot.
Am I just a novelty, only a trinket that's cute?
Enigmatic, undefined, the highest compliment, it's true.
With the questioned unasked you answered "Thank you for being you."

Added by Karrie Chambless on November 20, 2010 at 7:07pm — 3 Comments

Miss You

I don't miss you like I did before.
I thought perhaps I'd miss you more.

The space you filled is empty now,
but still, I don't miss you.

We blossomed and were beautiful indeed.
The garden was still plagued with weeds.

The beds are empty, dead, and bare,
but still, I don't miss you.

Your life goes on much the same.
I was weary of playing…

Added by Karrie Chambless on November 15, 2010 at 9:33pm — 7 Comments

"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." Wiffledust Creative Writing Challenge #11- What one lyric speaks to you when nothing else can, and why?

I have gone most of my life without ever hearin' of Leonard Cohen. Don't ask me how, cuz I don't even know! Sorta like Bob Dylan, he's criticized cuz his singin' voice isn't very pretty. But who in the world cares about a singin' voice when you can write songs like that?!?!

The lyric comes from "Anthem", and if you know the song, you know it's chock full of meaningful lyrics. If you don't know the song, here's a link.…

Added by Karrie Chambless on October 12, 2010 at 8:39pm — 4 Comments

"Today, I am a Mirror" Creative Writing "Here's Lookin' at you, kid"

I’m really great at my job. I’m not being boastful, cuz it’s true. There aren’t a whole lot of people who would, number one, do what I do, and number two, have a high level of success. I teach students with special needs. Not just Learning Disabled, Resource Room/Content Mastery kids. I teach…


Added by Karrie Chambless on October 3, 2010 at 5:25pm — 8 Comments

"Wiffledust Creative Writing Challenge.." numero uno

Your first Wiffledust Writing Challenge is .....finish the sentence....Sleep is......…


Added by Karrie Chambless on August 3, 2010 at 9:29pm — 3 Comments

out of the journal springs a poet dos

my last blog focused on rejecting one's dreams and desires. and yes, it was a downer! BUT, while i was writing my assignment for Lillian Gaffney, all of the negative stuff came out as poetry, so i was really happy about that!

the second part of the assignment was to write about acceptance. as it should be, it's an upper, and poetry!…

Added by Karrie Chambless on July 20, 2010 at 9:00pm — 9 Comments

out of the journal springs a poet

in my work with Lillian, i recently journaled about my personal experience with rejection. before i knew it, i was rhyming. ;) i love poetry, prose, and music, so when this poem came flowing out i was pleased. writing poetry is fun!

Reflection upon Rejection

She rejected her own hearts desires.
Not completely, just in ten year increments.
She silenced all her hopes and dreams,
the plan of others to…

Added by Karrie Chambless on July 11, 2010 at 6:13pm — 4 Comments

squelched, squished, and squashed NO MORE!

i've been working with Lillian Gaffney this week and wanted to share some of my work.


Added by Karrie Chambless on July 9, 2010 at 12:20am — 9 Comments

graphic journals---from relfection to making your dreams come true

about 1 1/2 years ago i made the decision to spend a Christmas alone. I was about to be divorced, again, and i wanted and needed to be in the home i grew up in all alone. my family really didn't understand, but was more than happy for me to stay and take care of the house and animals while they were visiting my brother and his family in south texas.…


Added by Karrie Chambless on July 2, 2010 at 2:49pm — 4 Comments

a Texas music legend in the making

I found my old ear-training/sight-singing classmate, Adam Carroll, through, you may have guessed, Facebook, listed as a favorite of another musician. I…


Added by Karrie Chambless on June 22, 2010 at 4:27pm — 6 Comments

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