world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Steen Krause's Blog – October 2009 Archive (2)

"Derek's Box"

"Derek’s Box"

“Please wake up,” he whispered for the one-thousandth time.

He reached over to her limp hand and laced his fingers in hers. As he silently wept for his one and only love, he felt her pulse pump strongly through her fingers. It was then he knew that she would live.

She lay in that same bed, with that same guy by her side, for the next eight weeks. One day, a Saturday, as the young man rested his head on the edge of her bed, she stirred. Her voice, having not… Continue

Added by Steen Krause on October 1, 2009 at 11:20pm — 5 Comments

"Kindred Stranger"

"Kindred Stranger"

The fire fades to embers as I listen

to the sounds of the forest night.

Crickets create a loud chorus

as owls and the breeze add their

own harmonies.

An injured animal waits for

a pause in the night's song

to let up it's pained complaint,

and as I listen, a chill crawls

up my spine.

If I were to make a sound

to express my feelings right at

this moment, that is what I would

sound like;… Continue

Added by Steen Krause on October 1, 2009 at 6:09pm — 11 Comments

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