world of wiffledust

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Brenda Siegelman
  • Female
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • United States
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  • Jo-Ann Walsh
  • Chris Hayworth
  • dusty nathan
  • Robin Williamson McBrearty
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  • stephen dijoseph
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Assignment. Thanksgiving Dinner Party, people I don't know, never met.

1. Uncle Georgie (whose memory I've been asked to preserve.) He was a musician. Gone by the end of WWII , he left a grieving fiance, and no children to remember him . My grandmother, (in the year before she died,) gave me his photo, and told me about his love for swing and hot jazz. She also made sure I knew where his grave is. When my parents passed, I hd to clean out their house. There I found Georgie's WWII Jewish prayerbook, his paratrooper wings and another photo. I feel a connection to this man who I never met.
2. Squanto. Why not? he was a translator and man of peace.
3. Josephine Baker and her rainbow tribe., what an interesting person she seemed to be.
4. Sacajawea and her child. I always wanted to meet her, I'd love to make her comfortable and give her a really good meal.
5. Charles Dickens, because I really love his writing, and I think from his food descriptions, he'd enjoy the meal.
6. Martin Luther King, Jr. Because he's really important to me for his non violent philosophy and amazing leadership skills. Also, I'd love to cook for him and make him comfortable. He's been through a lot.
8. My great maternal great grandmother Jenny. I have a million questions for her that will never be answered.
9 . John Lennon. I'd also ask him to bring some of that famous fresh baked bread of his.
10. Julia Child. She could help out in the kitchen with me if she would want to, but mostly, I'd just really like to hear her stories first hand.
11. Ceasar Chavez. United Farmworkers Union president from the 60's and 70's who made me aware, through his actions, of the hardship suffered to bring us food.
12. Angelina Jolie and her tribe. I think everyone likes having a really pretty girl present. I think she'd have a lot in common with Josephene Baker and they'd have an interesting conversation. She could bring Brad Pitt if she wants. We would make room at the table.

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Brenda Siegelman's Blog

Thanksgiving Guests. (only people I've never met)

1. Uncle Georgie (whose memory I've been asked to preserve.) He was a musician. Gone by the end of WWII , he left a grieving fiance, and no children to remember him . My grandmother, (in the year before she died,) gave me his photo, and told me about his love for swing and hot jazz. She also made sure I knew where his grave is. When my parents passed, I had to clean out their house. There I found Georgie's WWII Jewish prayerbook, his paratrooper wings and another photo. I feel a connection to… Continue

Posted on November 25, 2009 at 6:19pm — 2 Comments

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At 6:29pm on August 6, 2012, Chris Hayworth said…

Thanks Brenda here's hoping some good will come out of the Facebook situation then. :-) xxx

At 10:28am on August 6, 2012, wiffledust said…

hi, i just added a space where we can chat with you in a single thread. look on the left of the main page under "forum". it's called "chat with brenda" and you have more room to chat and share content there. i hope this helps! i'll tell people on fb it's there if you want me to. check it out and tell me what you think

At 10:06am on August 6, 2012, wiffledust said…

maybe if you just start a new page on there? would you feel more connected? i'm so sorry they did this to you. they have done things to me too to which i have had no help from them. they seem to have no customer service whatsoever.

At 5:09pm on August 5, 2012, Jo-Ann Walsh said…

You know me, I like that kind of world, Brenda!

At 3:09pm on November 25, 2009, wiffledust said…
happy thanksgiving, brenda! you sure you don't want to share your blog??? put it in the blog space and then hit share? let me know if you tried and it didn't work or if you prefer it not to be in the blog area....i'm looking forward to reading this as soon as i get back from the (gasp!) dentist...
At 5:40pm on November 21, 2009, wiffledust said…
i'm looking forward to knowing more about Uncle Georgie when you get to it, Brenda...
At 2:36am on November 21, 2009, Donna Stumpo said…
welcome brenda! nice to meet you.........
At 9:05am on November 20, 2009, stephen dijoseph said…
welcome Brenda..I beleive we are friends on FB...ah yes assignments...groovin"!
At 7:48pm on November 19, 2009, wiffledust said…
brenda!!! how great to see you here!!! browse the blogs, comment on them, join the discussion groups....or just lurk! but i'm thrilled you're going to write!!! yay!
(the discussion groups are on the left and come and go...right now there is the extraoridnary, fave flicks, obstacles to creativity, and collections..). have fun!

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