world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Delve deep into your sub-conscience
Let the thoughts envelope you in the silence
What have you found?

Do your deepest desires make you smile?
Do they make you cry?
What do you find when you look at the real you?
Who do you see?

The thoughts swirl around in my head
Both dark and light
Sometimes what I see frightens me
And sometimes it makes me smile

I think that is true of most people
There is both light & dark
There isn't black & white
It's in shades of gray I see...

Do not judge me
My demons are terrifying
But so are yours
We're not so different

The Lord above is my judge
He is the one I am accountable to
Not you
Nor are you accountable to me

Look above
And look inside
Who are you?
And who knows the real you?

Do you hide yourself from the world?
Are you ashamed of who you are?
Or do you wear your identity on your sleeve?
Or perhaps a bit of both?

I'm pretty much what you see
Though there are parts of me kept to myself
Though I think that is true of most people
If not all

Thoughts we keep to ourselves
Feelings we don't share
Secret desires and wishes
Fears, joys, insecurities, sorrows....

That is me
I don't know about you

I don't pretend to know your heart
Don't pretend to know mine
But I will share with you
Will you share with me?

The one who has advice and kind words
Who wants to lift you up
And hold you there

But also the doubter
One who wants to see the cup half full
But sometimes sees the liquid falling
Sometimes I need the encourager in you

Who are you?
Do I know you?
Do you know you?
Do we know each other?

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Comment by Jodie Ann Christiansen on July 6, 2010 at 5:16pm
the title, "what Do We Know?" is so appropo to the entire writing...way thoughtful and well-expressed and helps reinforce me own feelings/thoughts...thanks, Carissa
Comment by Jodie Ann Christiansen on June 3, 2010 at 9:00am
I relate and felt...thanks, Carissa
Comment by Bettina Woolard on May 31, 2010 at 9:10pm
Nice poem, Carissa. Pretty much says it all.
Comment by Carissa Galow on May 31, 2010 at 7:25pm
Thanks Donna & Lisa. :) And, I wrote this yesterday.
Comment by Donna Stumpo on May 31, 2010 at 7:23pm
Carissa, this is so good. We are separate, but we all need each other. We are the same, even as we are not the same. Your poem evokes questions we can ask ourselves, and the answers may surpirse us. We are not alone, we have each other. But even so, we all must make our own choices, for we have, each of us, our own minds, needs, fears, & destinies.
Comment by wiffledust on May 31, 2010 at 7:15pm
this is exceptionally good, carissa!!!! when did you write this? it speaks to so much at one time, but it has a wonderful musical quality to it. excellent!

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