world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

For most of my life, I have had the same dream

But it’s not as crazy as to some it might seem

For there are many who are on the same page

Who long to be performing their songs up on stage


What has kept me from accomplishing my goals is fear

Fear of forgetting the words or of my voice failing all who could hear

It took me years & many supportive friends to truly find my voice

Once I began to trust the songs within, I began to see I’d made the right choice


At the very heart of who I am, you can hear the music playing

Look closely & you’ll see to my melodies people swaying

Relating to me through my story told by my lyrics

See that young boy, elated at catching the drummers pair of autographed sticks


Looking into the crowd, I see many young girls living their dreams through me

I remember the days when I was one of them, dreaming that someday I’d be up here for all to see

Dreaming of the day I’d be able to tell the world my story

But not letting it get to my head, but instead sharing the fame & glory


I swore if I ever made it big as I always hoped someday I could

I’d give back to all who helped me in life & to those in need, just as I should

To be the same girl I was before my dream came true

Never allowing my ego to overtake me, becoming someone my loved ones outgrew


As it’s turned out, my only stage is in the world of karaoke

Where my only fans are those in bars, made up mostly of friends & family

But it’s still more than I ever thought I’d have the courage to do

And I am glad the small town fame I have has kept me the same girl you always knew

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Comment by Carissa Galow on February 25, 2014 at 12:34pm

Hmm. That is a difficult one. I have had so many good ones. I don't know that I can say there is one that tops them all. But, I will share one that has just come to mind that was pretty good. There is a song by Alanis Morissette called, "You Oughtta Know" that I had sung before, but each time I sang it, it didn't seem to come out right. It wasn't that I sounded bad, it was the emotion needed to sing it was missing. My one friend told me it sounded like a pop song when I sang it and it's not a pop song, it's supposed to have some edge to it. Well, one night, I signed up to sing it and when I got called up there, something happened as the music started. I didn't have a specific reason to be angry, but the edge I needed found its way to me as I sang. At that time, it was by far the best I'd ever done with that song. The crowd got into it, was singing along, and at the end, people clapped and congratulated me a on job well done as I was making my way back to my seat. It was a great feeling.

Comment by Maryanne Mesple on February 24, 2014 at 7:26pm

This is a very sweet accounting and sharing. What is your best Karaoke experience?

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