world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

When I saw a certain black kitten, he ensnared my heart

I knew he was to be a part of our little family from the start

The name that I came up for him was one that I thought fits

Being such a black beauty, he deserved the name Onyx

Stunning, agile, full of energy, & often ready to pounce

Quite comical he can be when he like a rabbit does hop & bounce

Now & then he needs to lay down so that he can recover

But then he's at it again, looking to see what mischief he might discover

He is as full of love as he is energy

His display of adoration is shown so simply

Nudges, purrs, & settling on our laps

While being petted, he sometimes upon us takes his naps

He knows me in a way that no human ever could

But that's because his instincts tell him things ours rarely would

When I am sick, in pain, or just having a bad day

He'll lay with me & until I feel better, that is where he stays

It's true that I am quite fond of my little Onyx

He & I are a combination that does mix

More than just a pet, he's become a dear friend

A part of my heart he will be until the very end

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Comment by Carissa Galow on February 25, 2014 at 12:36pm

Thank you! :) He sure is and he knows it too. ;)

Comment by Maryanne Mesple on February 24, 2014 at 10:14pm

Another sweet writing! Onyx is a beautiful kitty.

Comment by Carissa Galow on February 17, 2014 at 10:45am
I gave this challenge to myself back in January, to write a poem a day in the month of February. I wanted to challenge my creative mind, delve deep within and write about the things and people that matter most to me.
Comment by wiffledust on February 16, 2014 at 6:31pm

love how much you're writing! writing begets writing. creativity begets creativity!

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