world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

What is it? I've been back from vacation six weeks, and I can't get back to ANY groove that feels "right". The problem is likely, I'm still about 3,000 miles away in my home town of North Pole/Fairbanks, Alaska.

We bought our tickets at the end of January 2010 to go home. Our second trip in six years, my husbands second trip ever. We were flying home August 19 and returning to Hot-Texas on September 5. Somewhere around February, my best friend, that lives in North Pole and I started a "countdown" to my arrival home. (Thank you Apple for your Countdown app!). We shared the information with Facebook friends until the day our jet took off from DFW heading north.

I think this is where I/we made the mistake. In anticipation for a visit to my home was at such a level it was all I could think about in the months approaching. Leaving the 100 degree weather for home sweet home, where geese were heading south, and breathes of air were fresh, crisp, cool and abundant.

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Comment by wiffledust on October 24, 2010 at 6:57pm
hey kim....did you have the vinished version??? do you want to display that??
Comment by Kimberly on October 19, 2010 at 5:08pm
Thank you, that is the truth. I really am having a tough time of it! Egad, also though I saved this as a draft! Wasn't quite finished with it! Obviously STILL learning, here!

I hope so Maggie, I am having a really difficult time time just "being". I'm also wondering if being in my mid 40s has anything to do with it....

This is one of my favorite moments in Alaska. It is actually across Lake Lucille, in Wasilla, Alaska. Pioneer Peak nearing "sun down"---it was amazing. I'm probably going to make a canvas out of this one as it's one of my favorite pictures from the trip.
Comment by Maggie Friend on October 19, 2010 at 4:45pm
I know this feeling. I wonder if it isn't an indication that there is still something for me to learn, someway that this experience can enrich my life that my mind, my emotions, everything, can't quite let it go yet. Experiences like this can be deep--and revealing. Maybe that's okay. You know? Maybe it's good! I love this photo by the way. It's another of those lucky catches that is so lyrical in its colors and textures that one suspects it is a painting.
Comment by wiffledust on October 19, 2010 at 2:29pm
ahh so honest. sometimes it's hard to "get your groove back".

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