world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

'Here's To Us'
coyright 2009 by Rick Reiley

Here's to the people who make things happen
Workers of body and mind
Those who tote barges and lift up bales
And hang their lives on the line

Here's to those who accomplish a little
And those who accomplish a lot
Those who make breakfast and pour morning coffee
And paint lines on the parking lot

Here's to the others, the culprits and misfits
The ones who don't fit at all
It's a big old world we each have our places
Like Adam and Eve and the snake at the Fall

Here's to you and to me and to them
And here's to that child over there
The one by the window down on her knees
Her head bent in evening prayer

Here's to our future, each holy moment
And let us hope it stands tall
And here's to the children who follow us blindly
And the ones who don't follow at all

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Comment by Donna Stumpo on October 15, 2009 at 6:49pm
Wonderful Rick! A celebration of all of us.......Thank you!
Comment by Rick Reiley on October 15, 2009 at 9:48am
Thanks! Sandburg was my hero. His autobiogaphy 'Always the Young Strangers' was a real education.......
Comment by wiffledust on October 15, 2009 at 9:21am
this is beautiful, rick. i think i like this best of all the lyrics i've read of yours. i get a visual with each person. it's kind of carl sanburg'y. very celebratory of human'ness. thanks for sharing it here!

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