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3/13/2000 - 9/10/2000
"Art is not about thinking something up. It is the opposite-getting something down."_Julia

March 13, 2000 is when I started writing "morning pages" introduced
to me by way of Julia Cameron's book, Artists Way. This was also the
year I was to be married...for the third time. The ritual of writing
every morning helped teach me discipline and consistency. I chose a very
large notebook to write in, so I found it challenging to write a full
three pages daily. Nevertheless, I did it. I followed through til July
12th. Writing for four full months carried me through the transition of
wedding planning, marriage, honeymoon, moving into our first apartment,
exploring the new neighborhood, amongst some other challenging
experiences. Getting married was my main focus for the year. Even though
marriage is one of the most joyful experiences, it can also be a
stressful time. Writing three pages daily will help you move through
your stress. There is great insight and release that comes with writing.
One suggestion here, is to pick a smaller journal/notebook. In doing a
daily write of this type you will develop ritual which helps in creating

"Love is the substance of life. Everything is connected in love,
absolutely everything._Julia Cameron

I've met so many people that tell me they love to write but just
don't seem find time to write. Commit yourself to sit down everyday for a
given period of time... three months is a good time line. Try to write
daily. Carry a journal with you if you aren't able to be consistent with
a daily time, and do it when you can. You may discover that you develop
other things of ritual at the same time. Like hiking in a near by park.
You can sit in a certain spot to write after or before you do your
hike. When we write down something... anything, new paths can be
created. Those paths can lead you to your most creative-self. You may
find yourself writing about a desire like your joy of cooking, craft
making, or a healthier you. Then you could become disciplined in other
things you love as you write and craft, write and cook, write and hike,
or, write and creativity.
Write Creatively!

Another wonderful book that I used to help with the marriage
transition was, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn. I did
exercises daily to create power within. For thirty days write things
about your positive-self. I used this jump start sentence, "I
appreciate____. Some things you could write about is your loyalty,
energy, attitude, ingenious, creativity, passion, etc. Everyday, find
something that resonates with you and where you are presently. Perhaps,
you would like to bring more of something you already possess into your
life by expanding upon it. Here are some of the things you could
receive as a result of writing: focus, creativity, appreciation,
self-nurturing, improved health, responsibility, belief in your dreams,
and discipline just to name a few.

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