world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Do I belong in the wonderful "world of wiffledust"?

Thank you to my friend, Karrie Chambless, I have arrived in the world of wiffledust. It took me a couple of trips to figure out my way around, but I have, registered, and now am card carrying member!

I feel a bit inadequate in this curious world of wiffledust. There are so many talented people, I almost feel as if I don’t belong.. I’ve always WANTED to be creative in some aspect of my life. I’ve tried a lot of different things. My last expensive venture was scrapbooking. I loved scrapbooking. I’m the type that would “scrap” ONE picture, rather than make a collage, or a page with multiple photos. I could find something in the photos that I wanted to be the focus of the page, rather than the paper, texture, stickers, journaling, or a myriad of embellishments (all of which I loved--separately).

Scrapbooking fell to the wayside, and I started shooting anything. I’ve asked my husband to stop in the road so I can take a picture of a cattle guard in the road, old buildings, fields, street signs, and several grandkids love to be models!

It took several years, but I worked up to getting a DSLR and love taking pictures. I’m slowly trying to build my portfolio doing location photos, getting a blog going so I can support my “habit”!

Thank you again for the great welcome, Lisa, and letting me know that I DO belong. I am looking forward to participating here in the world of wiffledust!

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Comment by Kimberly on July 29, 2010 at 9:08pm
Lillian, thank you so much! I fell in love with the "imperfection" of this photo, and on Flickr I was going to call it "Wink".

Awwww, Karrie my friend, thank you! I miss you and can't wait to see the "Karrie" you're becoming! Thank you for bringing me here!
Comment by Lillian Gaffney on July 29, 2010 at 8:56pm
...oh my goodness... this photo is exquisite! I love it, I love it! I feel like the sunflower is winking at me, or perhaps it is having a whisp of a curl fall down into it's beautiful face.
Comment by Karrie Chambless on July 29, 2010 at 2:14pm
kim you are so money and you don't even know it! ;) your photos are stunning, just like you
Comment by Kimberly on July 29, 2010 at 10:29am
Lisa, I can't thank you enough for making me feel welcome. I really am loving searching around. Nice to find a place to belong, with such wonderful, supportive people!

Thank you, Susie. I am about in tears over your comment. You have no idea what it means to me to have people look at my photos. Few people in my life realize what photography really means to me, and take time to see things from my perspective. My mom has been the one person that TOTALLY understands, and she told me that I can find beauty in anything. Your comment rates right up there with my moms. With tears in my eyes, thank you!
Comment by wiffledust on July 28, 2010 at 11:14pm
you, kim, are a SWEETHEART! and OF COURSE YOU BELONG HERE!!!!! with your tude? girl, you were made for here!!!! sorry i was late in approving this....i was tied up away from the puter tonight. usually it's faster!!!! WELCOME!!!

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