world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Creative Writing Challenge #10 - My Secret Crush

He is a Leo, same as my dad was. But I don't think I view him as a father figure.

No, I'm certain I don't.

He was born in California; I don't hold that against him since he makes a better cowboy than any I've met here in Texas. Then too, they were cowboyin' out on the left coast long before it became cool to do so. And, like so many other things, they cowboy slow and easy out in California. Taking his time; I'd let him take his time. He looks almost as good riding a Hog, but that might be the leather... He's rangy like the Tetons, long and hard, lean and dusty, his face a road map of sun and time and weather. Steel gray covers a smutty jet black; I prefer his hair a bit long, but when he crops it close to his scalp he takes on a harder edge that could easily steal my breath. His moustache droops over a hard-lipped mouth that I'm sure can be softened; it might take a while but the reward would be so very worth the effort. His eyes spark and sparkle - madness and humor in twin orbs that are the brown of the late summer prairie then suddenly the raging blue of an oncoming storm. I am enchanted by his voice. Always a rumble, even when the words are tender and sweet. Sometimes the cry of a hawk on the hunt, mouse spotted and running, bird diving so fast you think it will crash. He has the slightest speech impediment; I wonder how many people pay close enough attention to hear that?

Any guesses?

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Comment by Sheree on October 11, 2010 at 10:12pm
Thanks! I'm not one for idol-worship usually, but since the first time I saw him, Sam has been able to make me silly as a school girl. I have almost as big a crush on the dog-sledder, Martin Buser. But I know were I ever to meet Sam Elliott, I'd be speechless. Martin I think I could at least talk to.

There's just something about those dark ones...
Comment by Carissa Galow on October 9, 2010 at 5:25pm
Madness and humor in twin orbs....nice.
Comment by Ericka Gray on October 8, 2010 at 5:17pm
I "heart"Sam Elliot!
Comment by Sheree on October 6, 2010 at 10:38am
Ya know, Susie, I think we're going to have a LOT in common!!
Comment by wiffledust on October 6, 2010 at 10:11am
what a GRRRRRREAT physical description.....but i don't know who it is!!!!! aggggg!!! but i LOVE the description. his scalp takes on a harder edge...nice work!!!

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