world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Our loved wiffle member Tom Ryan passed away last night. It's terribly sad. But in the sadness,  our other loved member D'Jeanne Newberry Duncan found a gift. She had posted something to fb that inspired Tom to quickly write a song. D'J and I discussed it and felt we should share his email and lyrics. Godspeed, Tom. We love you and thank you for sharing yourself with the world! It's called "Potential".

hey d'jeanne,

I guess this falls under the category of "be careful what you say (or post on fb) around a songwriter. about an hour ago, i read your post about "being a potential winner for a potential phone" and just about fell off my chair. after channelling john prine and woody for a bit, here's what came out. I'll try to record a rough demo to send you later this week.

Thanks, Tom


i'm a potential winner for a potential prize
i see potential love in your potential eyes
it’s the potential truth, no more potential lies
singing que sera, sera (2x)

you call me up on the potential phone
i’d have answered but i’m not potentially home
you can leave a message at the potential tone
singing que sera, sera (2x)

que sera, sera
what will be, will be
maybe yes, maybe no
or maybe it’s up to me

if you like, we’ll go on a potential date
i’ll be potentially early but potentially late
will we reach our potential? leave it up to fate
singing que sera, sera (2x)

we’ll get potentially married with potential kids
we’ll be potentially happy; that’s no potential fib
just don’t blame me for what i potentially did
singing que sera, sera (2x)

que sera, sera
what will be, will be
maybe yes, maybe no
or maybe it’s up to me

repeat first verse

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Comment by Carissa Galow on September 30, 2012 at 12:30am

It makes one think......

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