world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Stephen dijoseph's Blog (6)

DiJoseph's More-Than-a Piano Blog #4-INFLUENCES...


My earliest musical recollection is that of a music box in my grandmother's house.

Seems like I spent hours... listening....absorbed in that... mysterious..forlorn...intriguing...captivating

sound-of-a-distant-land melody.

Twenty five years back, I began writing a composition that was eventually called.... RECOLLECTION.

I started writing it while learning (or immediately thereafter) Chopin's Preludes in Eminor and… Continue

Added by stephen dijoseph on August 4, 2010 at 10:24am — 2 Comments

DiJoseph's More-Than-a Piano Blog #3

WE interrupt OUR regularly scheduled PROGRAM WITH THIS NEWS FLASH!

As I write 3rd More-Than-A Piano BLOG...I have in my possession..

Dan (no.2) Desiderio's email! Dan just turned 80!... and they just had a "this is your life" party...and missed this? geez...I've written to him and EAGERLY anticipate his reply!

OK..onto MTAP blog 3.

...So, I was talking about arguing w Dan wether or not a great pianist can also be a great composer: I call to the… Continue

Added by stephen dijoseph on July 24, 2010 at 1:14pm — 1 Comment

DiJoseph's More-Than-a Piano Blog 7-17-10

Now if you came here expecting to here more about the "Dan's" (MTAP blog 1) there will be a delay.

Albeit a worthy one. I need to mention that I showed symptoms of Tourettes Syndrome way back at...age 7. One year before the Magnus organ ... same year I started drum lessons (CORRECTION here: started drum lessons at age 7 not 5...) Kind-of a blue-plate special: "one order of musical drive with a heaping side order of Tourette's please!"

In the April 13, 2010 edition of the… Continue

Added by stephen dijoseph on July 17, 2010 at 10:00am — 6 Comments

I LOVE YOU I DO-stephen dijoseph


the first time I saw your face
I thought it was the best in the
whole human race!
Right then I decided to establish my place ...
right there next to you...

So I proceeded to make my move
I felt very confident and pretty smoov
people could see that I had a groove
as I headed straight…

Added by stephen dijoseph on February 17, 2010 at 10:35am — 2 Comments


back into the world of bump and grind don't go leaving yourself behind remember you can always change your mind so..go on...have a nice day.

Added by stephen dijoseph on February 4, 2010 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments

working on a song....

someone got a second verse idea?....

down this old road
I like to walk
along the tracks
to the waiting station
I step inside
go for a ride
down this old road
I like to walk.

Added by stephen dijoseph on January 19, 2010 at 12:53am — 4 Comments

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