world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Donna Stumpo's Blog (7)

Do You Love Movies? Tell Us Your Favorites!

Hey Everyone! Hope you'll stop over to the Favorite Flicks Discussion Group where you can be a part of the ongoing critique of today and yesterday's best films! See you there..........

Added by Donna Stumpo on June 23, 2010 at 7:30am — No Comments

Thank You!

Hello everyone:

Just wanted to say that as I am preparing sweet potatoes, pies and mashed potatoes for the big feast at my sister Denise's house-----(she's here on Wiffledust too! -she and my brother- in- law Jerry whose birthday is tomorrow by the way), I so appreciate and cherish each of you, my friends on Wiffledust. Thanks for allowing me to post my little poems and thoughts, thanks for all your positive and loving feedback when I try out my creative wings. It's not something… Continue

Added by Donna Stumpo on November 26, 2009 at 12:58pm — 2 Comments

nov 21, 2009

A cabin anywhere
where the north winds blow
in the middle of the woods
the furious snow
makes not a sound
its there i must go
smoke from the chimney
unfurling as tho
it could reach the heavens and
continue to go
till there is no tomorrow
nor a day left to know
saturated in silence
its there i must go
my mind is racing
the seasons pass slow
for at least a century
near the river flow

Added by Donna Stumpo on November 21, 2009 at 2:34am — 8 Comments

November 11, 2009

Thinking of you today

and all the things we shared

when no one else seemed interested

you acted like you cared

It's just the way I felt

I guess they maybe did

I never could quite feel it

Although I knew I should

Sugar cookies, petit fours

and twenty dollar bills

secrets known and never spoken

Perhaps we never will.

Glass figurines


ice cream and lady fingers

Sweets in a world

Like a snow… Continue

Added by Donna Stumpo on November 11, 2009 at 7:11pm — 4 Comments

October 30


blue like china seas



I've seen these


like skies

far reaching as line of water meets sand


steady in their gaze

with twinkling wisdom

trusting me.

My father's eyes?

crinkled corners

knowing smile

not cloud nor cataract to disguise


the heart remembers what the years forget

a life become survival mechanism

incessant like catechism

Eyes deep as ancient… Continue

Added by Donna Stumpo on October 30, 2009 at 7:57pm — 8 Comments


These days, it seems that almost everybody has a friend or family member in the Armed Services, stationed "over there". With the holiday season fast approaching, we can do great good by helping our brave loved ones to be able to get in touch with their folks at home by donating to this very worthy and practical program that the USO runs each year. If you are interested in making a difference for someone who has to spend their holiday season so very very far from home, please go… Continue

Added by Donna Stumpo on October 25, 2009 at 8:38pm — 3 Comments

So, you want to know about Wiffledust, do you? Well, let me tell you what I know....

Lisa approached me in the spring of 2007 with news that she was working on a very cool project; and wanted to know if I'd like to get involved. She has very innovative ideas about "web radio"--what it can be when creative minds get a hold of an interactive website. So, of course I said yes! This is a concept so different and completely amazing! I can't wait for the whole world to see this. Any day now, she's going to share this with everyone, and let me tell you people, it's gonna be… Continue

Added by Donna Stumpo on August 16, 2009 at 12:19pm — No Comments

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