world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Hilary F. Coulter's Blog (4)

war zone

a thousand fears

silenced by a thousand spears

burried by a thousand tears 

life celebrated by a thousand beers

not cool to just be

moving runing flee

not cool you will see

Blood shed selfishly

shouting crying here to stay

bones and flesh turn to clay

 bodies slit and flayed

this is chaos and hate

who said this is, was my fate

be not of mind and being…


Added by Hilary F. Coulter on March 13, 2013 at 2:27pm — 2 Comments

Maple Tree

from a small seed becomes a giant,

found in places untamed and so defiant,

out stretched arms reach for heavens light,

with age, leaves grow, turn from dull to bright,

they shelter us from the heat,

its shade spans several feet,

It is an artist tree,

brilliant colors to see, 

Leaves shaped like an upside down flower,

bugs seem to devour,

If you cut it down,

it surrenders it age with a frown,

Added by Hilary F. Coulter on March 12, 2013 at 11:40pm — 4 Comments

Why I write.....

Dreams of unknow future flow to my finger tips. Eyes stretched to the heavens, seeking. Imagine untold is a terible crime. Men who glue feathers to sticks, and fly to close to the sun, is insparation undone. dare to dream and share your dream, insparation flows to another. Sticks of wood and metal engine spun on the drawings of an artist. Aveation now posible, an Enterprisewas built. A dream shared again, Flight into the unknown. The unknown followed by a  "What if?"

Added by Hilary F. Coulter on March 12, 2013 at 11:39pm — 3 Comments


strange faces illuminate the air, unusual smells fill the room, faded floors and exposed brick,old chairs blend with new ideas strange lighting spins on the celing, thurst for water becomes a dream, small crowd gathers, unusual space to express art, the kind you'd find in fiction, Green then brown then brick solid color, oposit a wall filled with book and picture, a distant voice heard through the crowd, a repeated story heard, familier ground in an unfamilier town, heavy feet shake the…


Added by Hilary F. Coulter on March 12, 2013 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

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