where creative minds can interact
This has been one of the most heart-wrenching weeks of work for me in a while. One story to share. I was admitting a woman in her 50's (who is expected to live 4 weeks at the most) to hospice services. These appointments generally last close to 4 hours, and much of my 26 pages of paperwork doesn't take lots of brain cells. I take cues from the patient and family as to how much "extra" conversation in which to engage. I felt a particular kinship with this patient, and we talked about…
ContinueAdded by margaret kraft on June 22, 2013 at 11:54pm — No Comments
Today is my 48th birthday. That number gets noticed in my family. And not in a good way.
In some ways, it has taken on a somewhat dark significance. Mother died suddenly at the age 48. She appeared healthy, but there was a silent aneurysm that ruptured and killed her. Four other family members also died at this age--two from very similar causes. The doctors agreed that her siblings, my brother and sister and I, and our cousins should all get tested for signs of a…
Added by margaret kraft on June 12, 2013 at 1:37pm — 3 Comments
We arrived early, and Tommy K was setting up the merch. He opened Ellis' suitcase filled with a jumbel of CDs. As we lhelped sort the CDs into piles, we joked aobut putting the toothbrush and socks that were also in the suitcase on eBay.
This was the 5th or 6th time I have seen Peyton perform, and damn if he doesn't just keep getting better.…
ContinueAdded by margaret kraft on December 2, 2012 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments
I really should be doing laundry and getting ready to go to the Woody Guthrie Folk Festival in two days. However, Saturday’s show at Eddie’s Attic deserves a few words.
Peyton Tochterman opened the evening with a fabulous set. I have enjoyed his music in the past, but I think this set was my favorite yet. Last year at Woodyfest, his was the only CD I purchased (I had said I wasn’t going to buy any, but such is the life of a music junkie). His stories were both funny and moving. …
ContinueAdded by margaret kraft on July 9, 2012 at 9:07pm — 2 Comments
I’m not sure how to write about who my father is in a way that will be clear enough for others to understand how incredible he is. He is crazy—but the good kind of crazy. He is generous. He is compassionate. He has always given me the space to explore and believe things that didn’t line up with what he believes. He is always on “my side” even when he is trying to give…
Added by margaret kraft on June 17, 2012 at 12:16pm — 2 Comments
With participation (hostile takeover) from my niece, 11 and nephew 8...
There once was a rabbit named Thumper,
Who wanted to wear a pink jumper.
But Bambi said No,
And started a…
ContinueAdded by margaret kraft on April 8, 2012 at 8:51pm — 1 Comment
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