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Obstacles to Creativity--Overcoming Them!


Obstacles to Creativity--Overcoming Them!

What are you experiences with obstacles to creativity and how you've overcome them? Share your experiences!

Members: 24
Latest Activity: Apr 8, 2012

Discussion Forum

Would like some critique of a writing project. 14 Replies

I am in a creative writing class. Our last assignment was to take a topic and write a real story about your experience with the topic. The magazine is called the Sun, and published in North Carolina.…Continue

Started by Sherry Somach. Last reply by Don Martin Oct 8, 2011.

Is this poetry or prose...or what? 4 Replies

I am primarily a songwriter, though I have dabbled in writing stories. I have also written 3 or 4 chapters of my lifes experiences.I wrote this recently, and cannot classify it. I know it is not a…Continue

Started by Sherry Somach. Last reply by Don Martin Oct 8, 2011.

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Comment by wiffledust on January 7, 2010 at 11:23am
ohhh i think we all have that problem, ruthann! ;-) perhaps we are not all canadian or irish, but those things can certainly work for you. never has a group of storytellers been more creative than the irish. and that hardheaded stuff might be just the ticket you need to not let anyone tell you something is impossible!!! "self" can be quite annoying in the creative process. it's HOW to tell it to shoo that is the challenge!
Comment by Ruthann Emerson Lange on January 7, 2010 at 8:51am
My worst obstacle is __"self". Being Irish and Canadian__hardheaded and strong_minded; "self" has to take a back seat; or nothing is accomplished. Thats me---now you all probably don't have that problem; and if so__I envy you!
Comment by wiffledust on November 29, 2009 at 7:15pm
excellent!!!! go sherry! go sherry!
Comment by Sherry Somach on November 29, 2009 at 6:17pm
Hi Lisa,

I am planning on doing one day of song every other day starting Dec 1
Comment by wiffledust on November 29, 2009 at 1:11pm
great comment, sherry! thanks! i'm so like you. i think i can't, i think i can't...and then i just do it. at least most of the time. i'm still procrastinating a bit this morning. this early afternoon! ha. i just took a minor walk to stretch a bit. i sucked at that too. i could spend an hour worrying about THAT, but i'm going to paint instead. it's my painting date, and we'll see what happens. but nothing happens if you don't show up for your own writing/painting date, right? i'm so glad you keep writing. i'd love to see your 12 days of it here if you want to share!
Comment by Sherry Somach on November 29, 2009 at 12:54pm
Very inspirational!. Glad you persisted. It's an interesting process, isn't it?
I go through this thing every year. Here is the scenario. Since 1985 I have written lyrics to the 12 Days of Christmas, based on topical events of the year. Every year I say this is my last year. It is too hard. I don't feel like it. Too depressing. Bla bla bla. I then get a call from my friend who has the party I write the song for. Each year everyone await this years 12 days. I do it at other parties too. Around about now various people ask if the song was written yet. I just can't disappoint. So my friend lures me over with a great home cooked dinner and we brainstorm. It seems that committing to that dinner seals the deal and ideas come pouring out. Went to her house last night, with list in hand, and it was done in less than 2 hours!!
In a sense, looking back at the 12 days from other years, it gives me a sense of history. What was happening. Unfortunately I didn't start keeping them in a file until 1990 because I never thought it would become such a tradition.
Comment by wiffledust on November 29, 2009 at 12:11pm
folks, yesterday i started painting again after awhile away from it. for awhile i thought i simply had nothing to paint. everything i did stunk, in my opinion. i must have "whited out" the thing at least 5 times. and i was about to quit. but then i thought of our little group here, and i decided let's just see what happens on the 6th try....if it's something good, i can tell you about it. well i don't know yet if it's good, but i DO know that it doesn't need to be whited out yet. and so i thought i'd post about the power of "sticking it out"! ;-)
Comment by wiffledust on November 14, 2009 at 6:34pm
so, gang....what do you guys do when you feel the urge to create something but no idea comes? or the idea is in your head but it can't seem to come through your body ..either in words or through your hands or whatever? what then?
Comment by Janet Stinson Therrien on November 11, 2009 at 8:28pm
oh I can hear him Lisa. Sounds just like something my own dad would express, LOUDLY! *giggling* You should have been around here when my oldest son got his ear pierced and had long locks of hair. Wheeeeeweeeeee!
Comment by wiffledust on November 11, 2009 at 8:11pm
janet, you apparently have never met my father. and now he's deceased. but let's just say if i were to say NOW that i want to be a tatoo artist, you would be able to hear him all the way to your house!!!! LOL! yes little girls seem to dive into the art but on the topic of making a living at it, it's harder for the girls to understand why they were encouraged in the art for so long only to have it closed off later as an option. you made my point!

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