world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Janet Stinson Therrien
  • Female
  • Estill Springs, TN
  • United States
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  • Jodie Ann  Christiansen
  • eli grimstead
  • Bill Nash
  • stephen dijoseph
  • Steen Krause
  • wiffledust

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Come Into My Heart by Rainbow Painter (aka Janet Stinson Therrien)

Let me share this special place with you.

It makes no difference of your race, creed, religion or gender;
or your age, experience nor how much money you have,
it cost nothing to enter.
It does not matter what kind of car you drive or the size of your dwelling because those illusions aren't needed here.

I have a special place, just for you.
There is no rank of first in my heart because we all gather in a circle of light and as we gather it will expand for more to enter.

You will not be the center of my heart,
for that spot belongs to my Creator.
The Creator of all knowing and wisdom with unconditional, infinite love and unmeasurable strength,
ready to enlighten you and me.

The Creator painted my heart
in iridescent light of many colors filled with
remnants of our past, present and future
and created a one of kind masterpiece
of our journey together.

We will gather up the colors of our lives
and share our journey through joys of laughter,
heartaches through the tracks of our tears
and our sufferings will be healed
by the love and light of many who gather with us.

Our burdens will be shared
to lighten the footsteps along our paths
and we will dance and cheer
and celebrate with each other
to our new horizons.

I welcome you into my heart
with open arms.

8~17~2007 Rainbow Painter

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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 9:58pm on May 16, 2010, stephen dijoseph said…
Hi Janet

How are 'ya? cool photos!
At 3:46pm on May 5, 2010, wiffledust said…
just thinking of you and hoping you're ok??? hugs!
At 6:18pm on November 11, 2009, wiffledust said…
i answered ya over on my blog spot! all is good! ;-)
At 12:22am on November 7, 2009, eli grimstead said…
thanks for the welcome! glad to find this place...
At 10:55pm on November 3, 2009, wiffledust said…
ooooo it got prettier over here!!! ;-)
At 4:37pm on October 20, 2009, wiffledust said…
helloooooo thare, janet! where'd you go? whatcha doin'? how's it flyin'? what other expression can i use that's clean.....? ;-)
At 12:42am on September 30, 2009, stephen dijoseph said…
hi there and welcome to a new creative universe...

cant wait to hear yr thoughts...

At 7:23am on September 27, 2009, Donna Stumpo said…
Hi Janet, it's nice to meet you
At 9:57pm on September 25, 2009, wiffledust said…
welcome, janet! it wouldn't be the same here without you! i couldn't be more excited, and having you to share it with means everything!!!! BIG HUGS!

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