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Obstacles to Creativity--Overcoming Them!


Obstacles to Creativity--Overcoming Them!

What are you experiences with obstacles to creativity and how you've overcome them? Share your experiences!

Members: 24
Latest Activity: Apr 8, 2012

Discussion Forum

Would like some critique of a writing project. 14 Replies

I am in a creative writing class. Our last assignment was to take a topic and write a real story about your experience with the topic. The magazine is called the Sun, and published in North Carolina.…Continue

Started by Sherry Somach. Last reply by Don Martin Oct 8, 2011.

Is this poetry or prose...or what? 4 Replies

I am primarily a songwriter, though I have dabbled in writing stories. I have also written 3 or 4 chapters of my lifes experiences.I wrote this recently, and cannot classify it. I know it is not a…Continue

Started by Sherry Somach. Last reply by Don Martin Oct 8, 2011.

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Comment by wiffledust on July 7, 2011 at 12:40pm
first of all, thanks, you guys for helping me get this group active again. i think we all need it. anyone who is on wiffledust runs into these issues. i'm not sure you even gotta wanna, bob. i think you have to gotta do. cuz doing breeds doing. all the excuses are just part of the inertia, part of the familiar. it's a matter of getting in motion more than anything else. very hard sometimes, but that's where it begins. in that one step from not doing to doing. the WHAT you're doing isn't even as important as the motion
Comment by Robert P. Meyer Jr. on July 7, 2011 at 12:22pm
I try to create every day, but the tendency to let the rest of my life get in the way is sometimes overwhelming.  It's easy to play the blame game too!  I"I didn't do anything because's Thursday!"  I've watched my creative juices dry up over the years because, as Maryanne said, I kept running into myself and couldn't (or wouldn't) get the hell out of my way!  Sometimes it's a guilt factor that does it.  I don't need anybody else judging me 'cause I'm quite adept at doing that myself, thank you very much!  It's just not as easy as it once was and it takes discipline mixed with desire.  I've said for years now; Ya' gotta wanna!
Comment by wiffledust on July 7, 2011 at 12:09pm
objects in motion stay in motion. it takes tremendous effort to get moving again, but once done, it's far easier to get back in the habit of creating something every day.....
Comment by Maryanne Mesple on July 7, 2011 at 11:53am
I run into obstacles all the time and typically those obstacles look like me! I agree about the habit aspect; knowing that when I have a "set up routine" I have to be more intentional in my breaking away from that routine ... letting "things" get in the way etc. That is when I start soaking in my tub more :-) (I wrote a little blog about re-discovering my creative juices).
Comment by wiffledust on July 7, 2011 at 10:26am
habit! it's all about habit!
Comment by wiffledust on January 31, 2011 at 12:39pm
so lately i've figured out that a big obstacle for me is not having all of my supplies where i'm likely to get an idea. so my new plan is to keep supplies in several places. paper ready, markers ready, hard drive, mic etc ready. i'd like another guitar...but oh well. the point is to have your supplies nearby so that you can launch right into it!
Comment by wiffledust on November 19, 2010 at 3:36pm
so how do you guys deal with staying in the flow when your day is interrupted by bills and administrative stressful stuff???
Comment by wiffledust on October 27, 2010 at 6:06pm
warning for language on this one, but thanks to jami ward, i found this wonderful perfection knocking song..funny, true, and profound!
Comment by wiffledust on October 24, 2010 at 6:56pm
Here's a great article about procrastination, y'all! It's in the New Yorker and a Q & A with author James Surowiecki
Comment by wiffledust on August 15, 2010 at 10:58am
hey you guys...if you're stuck on something, remember getting unstuck involves DOING. if you're a writer, try the jumpstart exercises in our creative writing group here on wiffledust. if you're a musician, pick UP the instrument. inertia is cured by one single small step.....happy sunday!

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