world of wiffledust

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Did September 11th change me? Well, that isn't a clear cut answer actually. It changed me and it didn't. When I found out about it, I was at home chatting in an AOL chat room, as I so often did back then. People were talking about two towers and I wasn't piecing things together right away. But the more they talked, the more I understood, but I thought it was some sort of joke....that is until I turned the t.v. on. Every channel had news coverage about the horrible events of that day. I was shocked into silence, which hard to do if you know me. I was completely floored by what happened. I cried for those lost and for those who lost loved ones. I could only begin to imagine the pain the families and friends of these people left behind. Some lost sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, best friends, etc. But it was more than that, they lost something that we all lost that day. Having your country rocked to its very core and then televised so that all can see the aftermath is something I can't quite find words for. It was horrible. It made me appreciate being alive for one. It made me appreciate that I didn't personally lose anyone that day. And then when we got troops together to defend ourselves, to send overseas, who have been willing to give their lives to defend our country....even though I hate war and can't fully support it, I support our troops...well that was something else entirely. Our country isn't perfect, we have a lot of problems. But, it is home, it always has been and as far as I know, it always will be. It was touching to see how many people banded together and were suddenly proud to wear red, white, and blue to show their American pride. Many of us really did pull together to try to put this country back together, to rebuild what's been lost. For awhile, this trend continued. But now, it's been nine years and it seems like most of us have gone back to the way we were before 9/11/01 happened. I really think that if we're not careful that this country is going to destroy itself one day. There are a lot of good people here. There is a lot in the U.S.of A. that is amazing. And, it is a country I love to live in a lot of the time. But, there is also so many problems that we're not clearly addressing. So yeah, when it all comes down to it, I suppose 9/11 has changed me and it has opened my eyes to many things. I still love America, but I really would like to see some changes. Some days I fear what this country will be like when my grandchildren are here. But those of us who want to see a change for the better, who really want better for the future generations will just have to keep doing what we can. One voice does make a difference sometimes, it just takes a lot of time and persistence. And the good thing to know is that it's not just one person out there that cares, I know there are a lot of people out there who really do love America and wants what is best for her. God Bless America. R.I.P to those who fought bravely for us and my prayers are with those who are still fighting.

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