world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Barely a man

Overseas he travels

So very far from home

To a fight for our country


He doesn’t understand why

He just knows our country needs him

So he prepares to give all he has

To defend the land he loves


He faced things he never dreamed of

But now it’s all he can do to escape the nightmares

When he came home

There wasn’t anyone to help him through


He locked the memories deep within

Though he’s never really forgotten

Alcohol became his dearest friend

Silently he wept for years


No one understands what he went through

That’s how he feels

He refuses to open up

Even to others who faced the harsh foreign lands


His sacrifices lay quietly within his mind

But those who love him can see them in his eyes

And though we have promised never to pry

Sometimes we wish he’d find someone to open up to


I can’t imagine what he’s seen

Nor what he had to do

He’s been way braver than I could ever be

I just wish I could tell him how proud I am of him


For my father who fought in Vietnam and for all veterans….thank you for all you have done and for all you continue to do. Your courage, honor, love for our country, and sacrifices, both mental and physical mean so much to so many of us. Thank you!!!!

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