world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

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As writers we ride many trains over the course of careers. As Deanna, from across the holler at The Life of a Working Writer Mommy can attest, sometimes we just need to switch it up and try something fresh. She never believed she was suited for fiction, but here she is, writing great fiction. Go, Deanna! We never know exactly what we can do or what we'll enjoy until we give it a shot. In writing there are so many different trains yet many times we end up taking the same one over and over, not knowing which might serve us better. And lets face it, learning something new can be exciting.

So...tomorrow I'm getting off the fictional novel train for four days and hopping on the screenwriting train. My oldest daughter, Candice, who writes screenplays, talked me into going to the Austin Film Festival where we'll be learning much about screenwriting during the adventure. At night we'll be screening some pretty cool independent films, starting off with Serious Moonlight, Cowtown Ballroom, Precious, The Ugly American and The Donner Party. Now I might skip the last one depending on what kind of mood I'm in.

Award winning filmmaker Ron Howard will be speaking about The art of Storytelling. Okay, I won't lie, I'm pumped about that. From what I understand he is a great guy, and certainly a talented producer. And who could forget him as the charming little Opie Taylor on the Andy Griffith Show? And then on to Richie Cunningham in the TV series Happy Days.

I'll be back around next week to share the adventure, but meanwhile, by all means, go take yourself a train ride!

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Comment by Dorraine Darden on October 26, 2009 at 2:22pm
Thanks Donna. Will post soon.
Comment by Donna Stumpo on October 22, 2009 at 12:39am
Sounds really great! Looking forward to hearing about it.....
Comment by Dorraine Darden on October 21, 2009 at 2:27pm
Thanks so much! I'll report back, but for now, over and out......
Comment by wiffledust on October 21, 2009 at 10:03am
dorraine, what a fabulous post!!! storytelling is probably the most important thing we have going on as a species. i firmly believe that. but then i'm a joseph campbell kinda gal. i'm so excited that your'e going to hear ron howard talk about the art of storytelling! please, please report back about the whole thing!!! exciting that you are taking the screenplay train! we sure do need some good screenplays. there are really so few. they used to be much better, and now there is so much dependence on effects. keep us updated on your new adventure!!!

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