world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

When the rain falls, don’t hide yourself away

Learn how to dance your way through the storms

And when the sun is shining brightly upon you

Don’t take a single minute of that for granted


Life is a series of ups and downs

A crazy roller coaster ride of emotions

There are lessons to learn

And memories to be made


Your heart will be broken

And you might break a few yourself

You’ll know loss and pain

Disappointment and strife visits us all


And while there are times it seems easier to give up

In the end, it’s always worth it to find your way through

Even though it may not seem that way at the time

The dark times don’t last forever


Though neither do the good ones

So when they’re upon you

Remember to appreciate each moment

Cherish every laugh, smile, kind word, and embrace


Love boldly with every fiber of your soul

Don’t let loss or fear of rejection hold you back

Feel every single emotion unashamedly 

Embrace change, take risks, and always be true to yourself


We were born to be an individual work of art

Original, truly one of a kind

Don’t blend in just to gain acceptance 

Or even just to go unnoticed


Life isn’t always easy

And we don’t always understand why

Or how things happen the way that they do

But it’s all worth it in the end


Having faced lots of loss and pain myself

I have come to realize that life is short

Quite fleeting and fickle

Taking us from this world many times without notice


And I have decided that I want my life to mean something

For however long I am to walk this earth

I want to have touched people’s hearts

To love those around me with all I have each day


For without love, what is there really?

I know that is why I am here

To be a friend, to help, to give, to heal

That is what I will leave behind, a great legacy of love


(And I encourage you to do the same.)

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