world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Your First Journal
I wrote my first journal in 1990. I started on August 27th, it was a Monday. Journal
writing became my life line and my best friend. I ended a bad marriage,
closed the door on a destructive lifestyle, and survived an illness
that almost took my life in April of 09. My life was in an upheaval to
put it mildly. I was ready for a transition...a new beginning. Although,
I had no idea what was in front of me. I had little, if any
self-esteem at that point in my life.
Low Self-Esteem
What I did have was, determination and the desire to change. I wanted to change my life. What
I did not know was how much I would change along with my life. Looking
back I realize I had a tremendous amount of courage.

At the top of my first page I wrote these words: HOW


The "H" stood for honesty. In my journal I was able to be honest with myself like I never was before. I worked hard. I joined support groups that first year and worked with a
therapist. I started to read books that were informative. I found safety
in books and my journal. I found words of wisdom and kind supportive
words that fed my soul. I began the journey of healing with pen in hand.
That was an extremely painful and stressful year. I lost a lot that
year and I gained some lead way to a new beginning.

The "O" stood for openmindedness. At the time, that was so foreign to me because I only saw things through my microscopic vision. To be open to
another way of thinking, being,, what a concept! Though, I
did participate. I began to take direction. I began to listen. I slowly,
opened...with great caution and resistance. I wanted that change, so I
decided I would do whatever it took to create it.

The "W" stood for willing. This one was perhaps the easiest one because I made a decision. Although, it was by no means easy. I did struggle
terribly with my emotions and thought process which had a physical
effect on my body. My coping skills were nil. However, I had a
spiritual-self that carried me through, at my core I had hope. I held
onto my belief of never, never, never, never, never, never, never, give

If your just starting out, or even a veteran at journal writing the
basic principle is simply start where you are and use the "HOW", it

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