world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

willie_nelson.jpg willie nelson image by kelsey140821_2008

Before I begin, let me say I’ve missed you guys! Wait, I’ve missed y’all. That sounds right.

Now that summer is here, I hope you’re able to kick back,splash in a river, listen to some music, or just read a good book.

Speaking of books, I did manage to finish that second novel, The Passion Diary. Whoopa! See, I really was working. Finishing the book hadn’t really sunk in until yesterday, when I began constructing that query letter to send out to agents. It has to be wild, short and attractive. Sounds a bit like an old boyfriend, but all kidding aside, it’s daunting trying to sell yourself and your book in a couple of paragraphs. Lady luck-please wish me that.

And speaking of luck, my dear friend and Author, Jeff Yeager, dubbed The Ultimate Cheapskate by Matt Lauer on The Today Show, has created his own luck with hard work and a creative streak that sizzles. His second book, The Cheapskate Next Door debuts today.

Yeah, he’s no southerner, but I’ll make an exception in his case and here’s why: I believe he could kick tail in a seed spitting contest, and flat do a jig if he wanted, and that’s good enough for me. I do hope you’ll check out Jeff's lively work for yourself.

Now back to southerners. We know summer has set in here, due to brutally hot weather. When you walk outside before noon and feel as though you’ve been shoved into a sizzling sauna, you know you’ve landed in south Texas. On days I’m not fortunate enough to be in and around the water, I crank down the air-conditioner, pour some iced tea, and listen to Willie Nelson tunes. This original outlaw never fails to satisfy my musical hankering. To this Texan, his voice is velvety as melted chocolate. And I’ve always loved his braids. And chocolate.

Born and raised in Abbott Texas, Willie’s grandparents gave him mail order music lessons at age six. He wrote his first song at age seven and was playing in a local band at age nine. I finally got to see him in concert last year, and I danced around for days, so excited. He didn’t disappoint, his voice as pure and rawboned now as it ever was. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain is one favorite, along with Whiskey River and Always on my Mind.

I thought of Willie Nelson the other day when I watched my older girls drag in from Summer Fest. They had sat in blistering Texas sun to catch these bands: The Flaming Lips, Girl Talk and Kid Sister. At 11:00 p.m., they got back, worn but happy, saggy pants and sunburned faces, and bandanna’s wound around their sweaty heads.

Of course Willie wears a bandanna. Stay cool!

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Comment by Dorraine Darden on June 9, 2010 at 9:35am
Thanks for your kind well wishes, Donna! I appreciate them.

Sounds like you're swamped. Life gets like that at times. Do take care of you, and I hope some personal time manifests for you very soon. Meanwhile, enjoy the craziness! :-)
Comment by Donna Stumpo on June 8, 2010 at 11:19pm
So happy for you and so very happy to see you here again! And, of course, good luck with your letters to the agents. Your writing is so lovely and personal; I just know you'll succeed on that one. I hope you have a great week! I have been SO very pre-occupied with many family matters......New baby grand children, many babysitting duties, as well as a few dozen other mini-dramas have pre-empted my attentions here of late. It's been very very difficult for me to have ANY time to do much of anything for myself during the last three months. Things continue to be hectic, melodramatic, and EXPENSIVE! Ahhhhh, life! Bittersweet, crazy life! Guess I'm just gonna keep on truckin'...................
Comment by Dorraine Darden on June 8, 2010 at 6:14pm
Thanks, Lisa Lou! It's good to have time to blog again. :-)
Comment by wiffledust on June 8, 2010 at 6:08pm
i love all things southern, dorraine. ok, maybe not ALL things. and maybe not the heat. but i do love this blog, love willie, and love that you're back!!! xxxxx!

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