world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Creative Writing Challenge #17-If you could sit two opposing groups or individuals at a Thanksgiving table , who would it be and what would happen?

Most of my childhood holidays were spent just so. Family members who didn't get along well but couldn't imagine a holiday without the entire family!! The solution was to have MANY tables and make sure that those who got along the least weren't sitting at the same table. Most of the time it worked out just fine. When it didn't, we had to listen to them making nasty comments about each other.

If I purposely put two opposing groups or individuals together now, I should hope the outcome would be more positive. The discussions would be calm and mature with everyone on their best behavior. There might even be laughter and pleasantries exchanged.

Hey, I can dream!!

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Comment by Jodie Ann Christiansen on December 12, 2010 at 2:56pm

 yep...holidays and family are stressful  and I am so happy to know that  you,others too, relate such memories with honesty,without the "white-washing" we tend to do once they are deceased.....ouch, that might hurt.  thanks for sharing and  assisting me to view  my family  as "normal"  !

Comment by wiffledust on December 7, 2010 at 6:43pm
ha...good solution!!! great entry, sheree! i'm so glad you're writing here!

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