where creative minds can interact
Staring through the hourglass of time
Looking at the past
No longer wishing to change things
Accepting what was
Both the good and the bad
Once upon a time
I wished I could rewrite my past
Change things that I did
Take back things I'd said
Not know some that I had
What has been written
Can not be taken back
The ink has dried
The chapters are closed
There's just no going back
Today is a different matter
Here, I have choices still
To think before I speak
Examine the paths that lay before me
Evalute my options before I act
The past can teach me
Influence current decisions
Help me to avoid making the old mistakes
Just as long as I don't dwell upon them
And that I remember to live now
So much of tomorrow is uncertain
I contemplate what might be
Where I will end up
When my life ends
Will it have been a good life?
It's okay to plan ahead
To think of tomorrow
But sometimes I get lost in the years that lay ahead
Wondering, worrrying, dreaming
It's hard to keep the voices in my head quiet
But living in tomorrow is dangerous too
It's okay to remember the past
And to dream about tomorrow
They both play a major role
I just can't lose sight of what is
As I silence each voice
Find the peace within
I see that hourglass
Tears flow
It's hard some days
But I know I don't live there anymore
I am here
2013, not 1993
2013, not 2043
I am here
The grains of sand flow from above
As each moment passes
I see each memory in fine detail
Each thought
Every laugh, tear, smile, fear
I plan to make the most of each moment I have
While I have breath in me
To make my life one of importance
I am not promised tomorrow
Or even an hour from now
I am here now
Telling you all how I feel
The shame and regrets are gone
The mistakes have been made
More will follow
But in this moment
I tell you this
I love you
That is my greatest gift
One with no strings attached
No price tag
I give you what I have always had
And always will
I will have money
Be in a better place once more
And I may yet again suffer financial strains
I will be sick
I will hurt
But I will always be me
With my heart on my sleeve
Don't mistake that for weakness
It is unconditional
But only to those whose love is just as true
I wish to forgive
To be forgiven
To heal
To keep moving forward
Are you with me?
Indeed. When my life is coming to an end, I want to know that it was a good life. I want to know that I truly lived, that I loved with all I had, that I gave, that I tried, that I leave behind that light and love. I plan on writing a lot more this year. <3
what a perfect new year poem, carissa! my favorite line is "will it have been a good life?"....that's the question that we should probably focus on when we think about the future instead of the anxieties, because this question leads us right back to the present moment, doesn't it? good work. i very much appreciate your contributions here and look forward to much more from you this year!
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