world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

Angels and Light by Lillian Gaffney

Angels Journal
12/25/98 - 6/14/98
"What idea is more beguiling than the notion of lightsome spirits, free of
time and space and human weakness, hovering between us and all harm? To
believe in angels is to allow the universe to be at once mysterious and
benign. Even people who refuse to believe in them may long to be proved
_Nancy Gibbs, American writer

This particular journal was written at a time when things were lean
financially. I spent $30,000 in workshops, apprenticeship program,
certification self-esteem training, and college, all on a hairstylist
salary. I'm sure most people can relate to when they experienced times
of living on a shoe string. This journal was a gift from a fellow
traveler that I met in Rediscover II workshop, named Beth. I started out
writing in my journal about having "no gifts to bear this year, yet I
have received beyond my wildest dreams." Angels are everywhere, simply
open your eyes and you will see them. Because I was struggling with
money issue's I knew I needed to put my focus on something positive to
carry me through the difficult times. So, I chose to focus on "light". I
started to see light everywhere and my life became filled with angel
moments. I wrote all about each and everyone. I even chose my ADP study
at college to be on light.

I studied light from the scientific view, the spiritual, light in a
home, emotional healing light, light in others, to name a few. The more I
focused on light the more light I saw. I read books like, First Light_ a
story about acceptance of others, ways of knowing, and moving from
reluctant acceptance to understanding. I received a book in the mail
from a college friend named Wanda called Rules of Life. All this focus
not only helped me to move through financially challenging times,
balancing two part time jobs while going to college, participating in my
two year apprenticeship program, and selling my condo as I moved, yet


Not only do we have angels that we can not see with our naked eye, but we also have angels that help us here on earth. I had angels that showed
up with gifts of light such as: holiday meals cooked by my son,
Danny, friends that gave me gifts like Beth and Wanda that were
meaningful to me, teachers, like Victor and Megan that encouraged and
pushed me in the direction I needed to go, a friend, Camile that
partnered with me in giving workshops, and way too many to mention by
name here. My journals are filled with angel's both of the physical and
spiritual. I'm sure you have encountered many angel's that have brought
you light, as well. Perhaps, the angel lies within you and has provided
you with some light moments. We all have treasured moments of light we
can dwell upon in financial, or any other challenging times. It is my
desire to be a light in someone's life... I think we are meant to be
each others angels. So, I hope if you are experiencing any kind of
challenge, you too, may find the light and an angel to help you through.

"Never go faster than your guardian angel can fly."

Journal to Change Your Life
Journal Writer/Creative Artist/Coach
Facilitator/ Healer

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