world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

I can’t believe how these last eleven years have flown

Looking at where once a small boy stood, I see just how much he’s grown

Once he took naps, liked to cuddle, & needed my help for everything

And as I look at him as he is now, I wonder what the future will bring


I try not to worry & just place it all in God’s capable hands

But there are times when I wonder if he’ll go off to distant lands

To defend our great country, only to never return

Or that the future will leave him ill, severely injured, or emotionally burned


I know it’s useless to waste hours upon hours worrying about a future unknown

He isn’t ready to leave the nest, away from me he hasn’t yet flown

As parents, we should cherish each & every stage

Embrace every single year that they age


So quickly they grow before our very eyes

We just have to hope that our lessons make them wise

And our love nurtures their starving hearts

Enabling them to return that love to those around them from the start


I don’t know what will become of you, young man

But I have faith that for you, God has a plan

And no matter what happens along the roads you travel

Know that my love for you will never unravel

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