world of wiffledust

where creative minds can interact

I just came across this poem I wrote in 1991 and because it's even more pertinent now than it was then I'm resurrecting it here. And no, it's not a haiku so it doesn't count.


I had big houses, I had new cars,
I had nice things - I wanted the stars.

I had three dogs, two kids and a wife:

All the trappings of a real happy life.

I wanted a bigger piece.

The money was there, the good times were, too.

But throughout it all, I felt I was due.

A job that I liked, my family near,

But I had grown weary of living in fear.

I wanted a bigger piece.

For a part of me then was scared and ashamed,

And it was society I thought should be blamed

For making me fearful to speak up and say,

"I am not perverted. I was born this way."

I wanted a bigger piece.

And then I found friends that cared about me.

Their support and acceptance helped me to see

That hiding and lying won't make me feel free,

And that no one will like me if I don't like me.

I've gotten a much bigger peace.

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Comment by Lillian Gaffney on July 21, 2010 at 7:54am
...nothing like internal piece!
Comment by Karrie Chambless on July 21, 2010 at 12:53am
beautiful. nothing better than that much bigger peace ;)
Comment by wiffledust on July 20, 2010 at 10:52pm
this is absolutely beautiful, jami. thank you for sharing it here!!! you deserve the biggest piece!

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