To clarify, to use a none treated gourd for holding flowers you will loose your water eventually and also ruin what you have the gourd sitting on as the water escapes however it can.
This gourd bowl is only approx. four inches across at its circumference and approx three inches deep. The gourd I used was small, so the bowl is more for holding small items such as rings or coins or what ever one wants. As far as being water tight, yes it is due to the paints and the Liquin glazing .. but not for holding any liquids for consumption :-) Many cultures use gourds for holding water and use gourds for dipping into water pots to extract water for drinking. When the gourd becomes wet it swells and tightens up and can hold water without any watertight glazing needed. But, not well enough to use them as pitchers as they will eventually leak and water loves to find any small path to escape.
Comment by Toby McConnell on February 25, 2011 at 10:17am
Super creative, Maryanne. I dream of finding a craft for myself. Happy you have found yours! Is this watertight to hold flowers?
I often grow my own gourds, but if the season is not hot enough long enough I buy them. I then freehand my designs/drawings onto the surface of the gourd after I have cleaned off all the mold. Then I use a wood burning tool and burn in the design then I will paint (if the piece is to be painted) with alkyd paints and Liquin.
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