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Favorite Flicks Discussion Group

This is a group for folks to discuss their favorite movies, what they've seen lately, and movies that have changed their lives! Jump in and start talking about whatever movie you'd like!

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Comment by wiffledust on December 30, 2011 at 10:13am

the expressions in the faces were terrific and said so much, don't you think? so glad you saw it!

Comment by wiffledust on December 29, 2011 at 9:01pm

i can't wait to hear what you think!! i think you're going to be inspired!

Comment by wiffledust on December 27, 2011 at 10:19pm

now i want to read the book...i SO LOVED THIS!!!, rita, go get it right away and watch it. you'll be so thrilled you did!!

Comment by wiffledust on December 27, 2011 at 6:54pm

matthew reviewed "the help" several months ago, but i just finally got to see it this weekend. i loved it so much that i'm going to add my opinion here too. it's a great movie! it's brilliantly acted. the story is fantastic. and it deeply moved me. what more can you ask from a movie? i haven't enjoyed a movie this much in a long time. ....

i particularly enjoy movies that stress the humanity in us and that show where we can overcome our weaknesses and shortcomings as individuals and as a society. this is a story about everyday people doing something extraordinary during the  civil rights era in the deep south. it showed me how simple and yet how heroic it is to make a huge change for the better. evil can be overcome. i was inspired. and also ashamed, because we all have either been part of schools or families or organizations that have treated "the other" in an ugly fashion, and we each have the choice to do something or do nothing. and my shame is personal and collective wishing we had all done so much more so much sooner. ..anyway, the move challenges you and yet makes you feel good to be a human. with a little effort, we can be a decent species after all.

Comment by wiffledust on December 18, 2011 at 4:44pm

thanks, ann marie...i loved that movie too. i was watching the philadelphia story with the rest of you last night. obviously katharine hepburn and jimmy stewart are such fantastic actors. but sometimes i forget what a truly great actor cary grant is. it showed in the philadelphia story and shows even more in the bishop's wife, i think. both excellent movies. i believe the philadelphia story to be the best screenplay ever.

Comment by wiffledust on December 11, 2011 at 4:27pm

thanks for that review, rita! i saw another oldie. i had never seen "there's a summer place" with deborah kerr , sandra dee, et al. recently i had written here about natalie wood in "splenor in the grass"...the theme is the same. teenage sex. the reviews on this were just awful. but i found some redeeming features in summer place. first of all, it was kind of a good story. slow, but a good story. but what i actually liked about it was the way it dealt with teenage sex back in the fifties or sixties and how society truly tortured people.i think nowadays we have no idea how rigid the rules were. and life was really quite a jail for women back then. and men, but women even more so. so i liked this movie from a sociological point of view. but i also liked the way it dealt with the angst of all that since the angst is never in the movies now. now they just have kids going at it by age 12 and deal with it like it has no emotions attached. these movies are more sensitive, and therefore bring up alot more humanity in them. i can't recommend it as a great movie by a long shot. but it was not a waste of time if you happen to catch it on tv.

Comment by wiffledust on November 10, 2011 at 11:42pm

i saw "the rabbit hole" with nicole kidman. it's a tough subject matter for those of you who don't know what it is about. nicole plays a mother and wife, but the little boy is not in the movie because prior to the story beginning, he has been killed in a random car accident. a teenager in the neighborhood accidentally hit the boy when the dog chased a squirrel and the boy chased the dog. the story is about the couple's journey through the grief of their son. i had mixed feelings about the movie. the acting was good. the story was not particularly painful. and maybe that's part of my problem with it. it takes on some issues that arise in grief and in a couple's grief in particular. yet something feels like it's missing, because the movie does one of the things that i find horrible in life. it doesn't seem to want to really fall into the hole of grief. it seems to keep it fairly light and moves nicole's character through phases as though the writer read a book about grief rather than feel it themselves. i apologize to the writer if this isn't the case. perhaps it had to be made more user friendly for a mainstream audience. but i found this a little heavy where it didn't have to be and too light where it shouldn't be. nevertheless, i thought it was worth the time and it's far from a bad movie. i'd be interested to hear what others of you who have experienced grief feel about this movie.

Comment by wiffledust on November 6, 2011 at 4:14pm
i'm the  queen of watching old movies, so i apologize for not having a brand new one for you right now. but i saw "norma rae" again after not having seen it in ages. really, i'm not sure that i've seen it in 20 years. it was cool to revisit such a powerful movie in light of what's going on in the news these days. norma rae is modeled after a real situation to unionize a textile plant in north carolina back in the 70's. sally field was not the first, second, or third choice for the lead role. but she turned out to make the movie perfect and make herself a major movie start from the performance. her grit did it. the triumph of the human spirit in spite of all political forces that wanted people to stay slaves to a few bosses is a great and current story. people are not robots for the man. they are humans and should always be treated like humans. and that is all over sally's face in this great movie. i recommend another visit to it!
Comment by wiffledust on October 30, 2011 at 2:13am

i saw two movies thusfar this weekend about which  i can share some thoughts. the first is one of my very favorite movies of all time. i haven't seen it often though. have you seen "the americanization of emily"? if not i highly recommend it. it's a black and white movie from what i believe would be the 60's. it's set in the weeks before d-day in england, and the stars are julie andrews and james garner. james garner plays the american navy man, and julie andrews is a british widow driver. she's noble, he's a bit of a scoundrel. at least that's how it seems. their romance is certainly a huge part of the story, but it's a satirical movie that makes statements about war, nationality, patriotism, human fragilities, and more. color was popular at the time of this movie,but the director wanted the mood in black and white.'s a very adult movie. there's nothing hidden about sex or the realities of life. it's great to see julie andrews making the first move on garner. this was her favorite movie she'd ever done, and james garner has said it's his favorite as well. it's written beautifully, and it covers so much about real people and real men and women. i have rarely seen a movie that gets some of the deeper  aspects of the relationship between a man and a woman as this one does. the pace is good, the story is's funny as well as a drama. it's deep as well as silly at times. it's romantic but not sappy. treat yourself to this one with a great screenplay by paddy chayefsky!


i also saw "the kids are alright" with julianne moore and annette benning. you have probably seen this, but i hadn't. it's about a lesbian couple who have two almost-grown children, and the sperm donor comes back into the picture. i found this movie to be distracting in the stereotypes. the women were as unattractive as they could be on screen to make some kind of point that i didn't understand. there isn't a ton of story here either. i didn't hate it, but i can't think of a reason to recommend it. these are two fabulous actresses, but not here. not in my opinion. i thought the acting was over the top.

Comment by wiffledust on October 29, 2011 at 1:42pm
can't wait to see j.edgar with leonardo dicaprio....great subject for a movie!

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