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Favorite Flicks Discussion Group


Favorite Flicks Discussion Group

This is a group for folks to discuss their favorite movies, what they've seen lately, and movies that have changed their lives! Jump in and start talking about whatever movie you'd like!

Members: 32
Latest Activity: Jun 12, 2017

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Comment by wiffledust on June 18, 2013 at 10:13am

thanks for this review, robin! someone on my twitter feed said she saw gatsby and came out with a migraine! maybe it's too too much???

Comment by Robin Williamson McBrearty on June 18, 2013 at 9:54am

Love Summer of 42.


Saw Gatsby last week - overwhelming.  Leonardo DiCaprio is not Redford but does capture the part.  Scenery, backdrops, music, choreography are almost overwhelming, but if you let yourself go & get immersed, they're fabulous.  Rlizabeth Dibecki as Jordan Baker deserves a Best Supporting Actress award.  Don't give up a day at the beach for this, but do go on a rainy day.

Comment by wiffledust on June 17, 2013 at 11:16pm

check out "Love, Marilyn" on HBO, you guys....very very interesting stuff about Marilyn Monroe

Comment by wiffledust on June 16, 2013 at 6:38pm

"summer of '42" is a beautiful should find it if you've never seen it if only for the cinematography. gorgeous piece of film!

Comment by wiffledust on June 2, 2013 at 10:25am

i'm so angry at this horrible FDR film, that i stumbled upon this review of the facts by curtis roosevelt in the NYT

Comment by wiffledust on June 1, 2013 at 10:59pm

well i can't believe i finally saw "hyde park on hudson". i've been wanting to see it for months, and i just haven't had a chance. i thought it would be a revealing insight into FDR or the King...but it had me totally stumped. i'm not sure what it was. i think it stretched history way beyond what we actually know. i don't feel it was accurate. and it wasn't written well at all. however it was acted very well by bill murray and laura linney. it left me with the feeling i can't stand after a movie....that everything was in place for a FANTASTIC movie and yet someone let it out of the can without fixing it. lazy writing. a waste of excellent talent. 

Comment by nancy Sanchez on May 19, 2013 at 7:32pm

glad I didn't spend money going to that even though I love all things Oz...

Netflix will be soon enough if I still want to see of late I watched "The life of Pi"...loved it and was very pleased it did justice to the book..."Rabbit Proof fence" was another good movie..and last night I watched "Once" on the recommendation of a facebook friend...loved it and the music is still in my brain..

Comment by wiffledust on March 21, 2013 at 8:37pm

thanks for sparing us, maryanne!

Comment by Maryanne Mesple on March 21, 2013 at 8:37pm

Wasted my money on Oz The Great and Powerful. I almost walked out during the first 30 or so minutes because it was just so blah ... A con man who is insincere playing the field with the ladies carried away in a hot air balloon landing in colorful Oz - it was all so eh. The movie did manage to redeem itself a bit as time drug on and the movie did also tie into the original Wizard of Oz by laying some groundwork for the old movie. You see why the lion is cowardly and where scarecrow may have come from and a few other details. But all in all, I would rather have watched this movie at home not losing money and time at a theater. If you are 12 or so you may absolutely love it? I give it one knuckle up for recovering itself a bit and at least having a green witch in it that rides a broom

Comment by wiffledust on March 5, 2013 at 7:59am

i wanted to see this on sunday, and i didn't get to it yet. but i am definitely going to watch this important documentary, maryanne. i'm so glad you reviewed it here. nobody should be hungry, not in this country! and, yes, documentary reviews welcome here. "a place at the table", y'all.


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