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Favorite Flicks Discussion Group


Favorite Flicks Discussion Group

This is a group for folks to discuss their favorite movies, what they've seen lately, and movies that have changed their lives! Jump in and start talking about whatever movie you'd like!

Members: 32
Latest Activity: Jun 12, 2017

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Comment by Lillian Gaffney on August 17, 2010 at 6:45pm
I enjoyed that movie, too Lisa.
Comment by wiffledust on August 17, 2010 at 4:47pm
i saw an older but not classic movie last night...."the story of bill w" with james garner (a fave), James Woods, and JoBeth Williams. The movie itself wasn't any artistic masterpiece. But the story held your attention and gave quite a bit of insight into the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous....I enjoyed the story. And the story matters. It could have been done better, but it was still worth it....
Comment by Lillian Gaffney on August 14, 2010 at 4:08pm
Eat Pray Love... awesome movie. All the actors were fabulous. A universal story of heartbreak and healing is what makes this movie so fantastic. Something we can all relate to. Julia did her usual, fabulous job and the male actors were just as great. A scene or two made me cry. Even though I thought this would be a chick flick, it is not just for us. Must see. Loved it. It stayed pretty true to the book, too. And there were some really fabulous lines in the movie.
Comment by wiffledust on August 13, 2010 at 8:44am
i watched "the odd couple" all the way through this week. we have all seen the tv show. but the movie is really great in that it showcases the incredible acting of jack lemmon and walter matthau. i forgot how good they are, and i had never seen the movie all the way through. it's a study in facial expressions and perfect timing. i urge everyone to see it if you never have and see it again if you have. it's also one of the few movies that shows a real friendship between two men.
Comment by Lillian Gaffney on August 10, 2010 at 8:46am
Chris and I went to the movies Sunday night. He saw Salt, Chris loves the special effects and action. Said, Jolene was a female James Bond and actually made him look like a whimp. I saw, The Others for the lighter side. I thought it was silly and some parts funny. I can't imagine how they hold such straight faces acting so ridiculous. The two character roles were funny in and of themselves. I am a fan of Mark Wamlberg (wait for the video if you want to see this one)
Comment by wiffledust on August 10, 2010 at 12:22am
i watched "spendour in the grass" happened to be on tv, and i had never seen the whole thing before. what a terrific piece. it had so many wonderful themes in it that were way ahead of their time, in my opinion. natalie wood was a genius in the film. what a great story of bipolar disease and sexual repression as well as the role of women and women's sexuality....roles of men and women, etc. i loved it!
Comment by Lillian Gaffney on August 8, 2010 at 12:44pm
...your welcome, Lisa. Seen anything worth watching lately?
Comment by wiffledust on August 8, 2010 at 10:32am
thanks for the "slow" warning, lillian. i have the WORST tolerance for "slow". it's good to know....
Comment by Lillian Gaffney on August 8, 2010 at 8:55am
Ghost Writer... slow but unexpected ending.
Comment by wiffledust on August 7, 2010 at 7:22pm
hey movie wiffle peeps! i've just added the movie section of at the bottom of our main page for when you're interested in some of the latest reviews....!

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